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Goodenows' Ghosts

Current Issue Summary: February 2025

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Issues Prior to 2010



Past Issues

Vol. 36 No. 4 / pp. 73-96, November 2018


Early Information on GFA’s 2020 Reunion

Reunion Coordinators Donna and Chuck Peterson announce that the next GFA reunion will occur on July 12-18, 2020, at the Northfield Inn, Suites and Conference Center in Springfield, IL.


Upcoming Temporary Vacancy – Chair of the GFA Scholarship Oversight Committee

The current Chair of the Scholarship Oversight Committee has a son who will be applying for the scholarship during the 2020/21 selection cycle (starting in August 2019 and extending through May 2020). To avoid a conflict of interest, H. David Pendleton is stepping aside temporarily. An interim Chair is being sought.


Introducing GFA’s New Webmaster

Thanks to Life member Elaine J. Cornell for answering the call for a webmaster, taking over from Cindy Dietz who had served for 14 years.


Help Wanted – GFA Information Manager

The GFA is seeking a volunteer to step into the role of Information Manager. A description of the duties and qualifications is included.


Documenting the Goodenow Family’s Westward Journey: An Opportunity to Share Your Ancestors’ Stories

GFA Life member Russ Goodenough intends to write a history of the Goodenow Family’s trek westward, starting from England and culminating with family members arriving in Ventura County, CA, in 1875. He invites members to share stories of their branch of the family as their ancestors migrated, settled on the frontier and repeated the pattern in successive generations. Any profits from the book, Westward Wagons, will be donated to the GFA, and all sources will be acknowledged.


The Life and Times of Reverend W.S. Goodno by Pat Archer

GFA member Pat Archer submitted this article on her great-great-grandfather, Rev. W.S. (William Stuart) Goodno, a descendant of Thomas the Immigrant. He was born in 1820 in New York, became a Baptist minister who served churches in New York, Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and after retiring, ran a hotel in Asbury Park, NJ. He and his wife, Rachel Horatia Colby, had two sons and four daughters. He died in 1894 in New Jersey.


Introduction to Ventura County, California: Putting the 2022 Reunion on Members’ Radar by Russ Goodenough

The first in a planned series familiarizing GFA members with the site of the GFA reunion in 2022. This article introduces the state of California generally and presents an overview of Ventura County.


Henry David Thoreau, A Goodenow Descendant

The famous writer’s mother was descended from Thomas the Immigrant. A brief summary of Throeau’s life and accomplishments is included.



GFA Life member Martha Crosier Wood, a descendant of Thomas the Immigrant, was awarded the 2018 Minuteman Cane by Lexington, MA, in recognition of her many years of civic contributions.


The Goodenow Manufacturing Company of Erie, PA

Earl P. Goodenow (1904-1984), a descendant of Capt. Edmund, founded this firm in 1926. During its existence, it specialized in marine equipment, and advertisements show it also made a TV Table and “Plainsman” and “Challenger” pellet rifles and pistols. Earl also was granted a patent in 1959 for a “Water Ski Harness”. The rifles and pistols produced by the Goodenow Manufacturing Company are highly prized by collectors.


Reunion Photograph Album, Part 2

A selection of 12 photographs from the day trip to Maine and visits to sites in Sudbury, MA.


Family Events

Obituary of Floyd Timson (27 June 1930 - 6 March 2018). Floyd was a long-term GFA member and a descendant in Thomas’ line.



Russ Goodenough is seeking information confirming or disproving that Goodenows were present during the attack by Native Americans on Cherry Valley, NY, on November 11, 1778, and that the family home was destroyed during the raid.


Glimpses of Goodenows in World War I: The War Ends

By John T. Goodnough

GFA member John T. Goodnough is endeavoring to gather, research and compile information on family members who served during World War I. He solicits information on soldiers or other participants, and also invites any interested GFA members to serve on a research committee.

This installment summarizes the state of the war in late summer through the Armistice declaration on November 11, 1918. Two Goodenows who served militarily are profiled: Charles Hastings Goodnow (November 11, 1896-March 21, 1978) of Maine joined the U.S. Navy; and Charles H. Goodno/Goodnow (June 26, 1894-November 10, 1962) of Pennsylvania, joined the U.S. Army. Charles Hastings was a descendant of Capt. Edmund the Immigrant; Charles H. has no known connection to the immigrant Goodenows.


A Complete Guide to Lineages by Bill Groenier, GFA Information Manager

Most articles in Goodenows’ Ghosts include a brief lineage showing the subject’s descendancy from the Goodenow Immigrants (John, Thomas and Capt. Edmund). GFA Information Manager Bill Groenier explains how these “mini-lineages” are formatted and also illustrates how to interpret the full-length complete lineages that are printed in newsletter issues from time to time.



Descendants of Nahum Goodnow

Descendants of Orson Jonathan “OJ” Goodenough

Descendants of Mabel Frances Goddard


Take Note!

Goodenows in World War I

Goodenows in the Civil War

List of Goodenow Research Sites

Documenting Goodenow Generations’ Journeys Westward


GFA Database Is Now Available in Digital Form

Members of the GFA are eligible to purchase a digital copy of the full GFA database for $50. Included are the primary database of 72,300+ listings, a secondary database of 3,500+ persons not (yet) connected to the immigrants, a Barnes database of 19,800+ listings, a Pendleton database of 46,600+ listings, and two presentations made at the 2014 reunion – “Puritan’s Make A Village” by Hal Cutler and Robert Goodenough’s talk on Bob Goodenow. As these databases are updated with new information or corrections, updates will be made available at a nominal cost.

You may choose either (1) a USB flash drive, (2) a CD, or (3) a DVD; and in one of these formats: (1) Legacy Family Tree or (2) GEDCOM.



NOTES: (1) No software is included; purchaser is responsible for acquiring needed software.  Free versions are available for both Legacy Family Tree and GEDCOM; to access full capabilities of Legacy Family Tree, users must purchase the Deluxe version.  (2) For technical reasons, we cannot guarantee that 100% of the Notes in the Legacy Family Tree file will be transferred intact into GEDCOM.


GFA Database Updates: Latest Version available is dated April 2018

Those who previously purchased a digital version of the GFA database are eligible to order an updated database. The cost is $10.00 and the now-outdated digital media must be returned along with the payment and order form. The Update Digital Database Order Form can be found on the inside of the back cover in each issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts.


Vol. 36 No.3, August 2018

  • (Much of this issue was devoted to the 2018 GFA Reunion)

  • GFA Reunion 2018: Pilgrimage to Sudbury - The biennial reunion of the Goodenow Family Association took place in July in Sudbury, MA, coordinated by GFA Life members Hal and Betsey Cutler. Activities during the “Early Bird” program (July 16-18, 2018) included visits to Plimoth Plantation; the grave of Mary Goodnow in Northborough; the Minute Man National Historical Park; and the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston. The Main Program (July 18-22, 2018) began with a Welcome dinner at Longfellow’s Wayside Inn; the Association’s business meeting; a day trip into Maine with stops in Kennebunk and Alfred; visits to family sites in Sudbury, including cemeteries, the Goodnow Library, the home of Hal and Betsey Cutler; and a Farewell Dinner. 2018 marked the 380th anniversary of the arrival of the Goodenow immigrants on North American soil, who all subsequently settled in the town of Sudbury. 2018 also marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of the GFA.

  • We Made the Paper! - A reproduction of a story in the July 26, 2018 Sudbury Town Crier entitled “Goodenow family members return to their roots” by Hal Cutler. A photograph of the group at the Minuteman Statue at the North Bridge in Concord is included.

  • Reunion Photograph Album, Part 1 - A selection of 24 photographs from the Early Bird program and the day trip to Maine.

  • Mail Bag: letter regarding “A Goodno Windfall?”, as published in the May issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts - GFA Life member Dennis Goodno wrote to assure GFA members that he was not taken in by and had not responded to the letter he had received from a Spanish attorney stating that Dennis could receive an inheritance of $23.9 million by claiming to be the next of kin of a Philip Goodno.

  • 2018 GFA Reunion Business Meeting Draft Minutes (Summarized) - A summary of the Minutes of the meetings during the 2018 reunion, as recorded by Kathy Truesdell, Corresponding Secretar/acting Recording Secretary. On Thursday, reports were given by the Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Information Manager, Newsletter Editor, and Scholarship Committee. An Audit Committee and a Nominations Committee were appointed. At the Saturday morning meeting, the Audit and Nominations Committees made their reports; new officers were elected; and the sites of the 2020 and 2022 reunions were finalized.

  • The Talcotts Venture Overseas for a Family Reunion - GFA members Darrel and Dixie Talcott missed the Sudbury GFA reunion because they were traveling to Austria, the Czech Republic and West Bohemia, to meet up with relatives of Dixie who’s paternal and several maternal lines have been traced back to the 1600s. The relatives they visited had been identified through DNA testing.

  • Help Wanted! - The GFA is seeking volunteers to step into the roles of Webmaster/Publicity and Information Manager. Descriptions of the duties and qualifications are included.

  • Scott Bill Hirst: Award Recipient and Candidate - GFA Life member Scott Bill Hirst was recognized on April 27, 2018, for 50 years of membership in the Grange, receiving a Golden Sheaf Certificate and a 50 Years Service pin. He also is running, unopposed, as a candidate for the Hopkinton, RI, town council. Scott has four Goodenow lines.

  • More Glimpses of Goodenows in the World War I Military By John T. Goodnough - GFA member John T. Goodnough is endeavoring to gather, research and compile information on family members who served during World War I. He solicits information on soldiers or other participants, and also invites any interested GFA members to serve on a research committee. This installment summarizes the state of the war in early- to mid-1918, and profiles two Goodenows who served militarily: Charles Walton Goodno (September 17, 1899-January 30, 1988) of Ohio, and Stephen C. Goodnough, Sr. (November 23, 1893-March 2, 1986) of Pennsylvania. Neither has a proven connection to the immigrant Goodenows.

    Vol. 36 No.2, May 2018

  • GFA Scholarship Awarded to Maya Collins - The Chair of the Scholarship Oversight Committee, H. David Pendleton, announced that Maya I. Collins will be receiving the 2018/19 GFA Scholarship. She will be enrolling at Wellesley College and will receive $1,500. Maya is the daughter of GFA member Nat Collins and the granddaughter of GFA Life member Phyllis Goodenough, who is an alumna of Wellesley.

  • GFA Reunion 2018: Pilgrimage to Sudbury - This biennial reunion of the Goodenow Family Association will take place in Sudbury, MA. Reunion Coordinators Hal and Betsey Cutler provide details on the headquarters hotel and the activities being planned. The “Early Bird” Program dates are July 16-18, 2018, and the Main Program dates are July 18-22, 2018. The estimated registration fees are listed. 2018 will mark the 380th anniversary of the arrival of the Goodenow immigrants on North American soil, who all subsequently settled in the town of Sudbury, Massachusetts Bay Colony. 2018 also marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of the GFA.

  • Reunion Pre-Registration Form - Return to the Cutlers by mail or email; deadline is May 31.

  • Goodnow’s Wharf on Boston’s Waterfront - GFA Life member Dick Goodnow stumbled across a sidewalk marker for Goodnow’s Wharf in Boston and shared a photograph. Research shows that two businesses J, D & G Goodnow (West Indies importers) and L & J Goodnow (Lumber company) existed in Boston at the same time as Goodnow’s Wharf. An 1861 map of Boston shows the location of Goodnow’s Wharf, which matches the site of L & J Goodnow Lumber. Both sets of brothers are descended from Capt Edmund Goodnow and his son Capt John, but diverge at the 3rd generation.

  • A Goodno Windfall? - GFA Life member Dennis Goodno shared a classic "phishing" letter he received, dangling an inheritance of $23.9 million as bait. The Spanish attorney who wrote the letter claimed his client, Philip Goodno, succumbed in a car accident in 2010 in Spain, and since then he (the attorney) had been searching for a legitimate heir. Due to the identical spelling of the surname, the attorney proposed to present Dennis Goodno as the legitimate next of kin and transfer the funds to his bank.

  • Daniel Goodenow of Alfred, Maine - This seventh generation descendant of Thomas was an American politician, attorney and judge from Maine. He lived from October 30, 1793 to October 7, 1863. This brief biographical sketch also includes a photograph of Daniel Goodenow and of his gravestone in Alfred, Maine.

  • Goodenough Island in WWII - GFA member George Martel shared an article from the magazine WWII History that mentions Goodenough Island, located in the South Pacific off of Papua New Guinea. Battle action involving Goodenough Island is recounted, first in an excerpt from the WWII History article and supplemented with additional details from Wikipedia and other internet sites.

  • Goodenough Island’s Namesake - Goodenough Island was named in honor of Commodore James Graham Goodenough (December 3, 1830-August 20, 1875). The article, derived from the Australian Dictionary of Biography, discusses Goodenough’s early years, his decision to join the Royal Navy at age 14, his rise through the ranks, and his 1863 assignment as an observer in the American Civil War. Ten years later he was appointed Captain of the HMS Pearl and as Commodore of the Australian station. While negotiating with natives on the Santa Cruz Islands, he and several others in his party were shot with poisoned arrows. Tetanus set in, and Goodenough died on August 20, 1875. One of his sons, William Edmund Goodenough, became an admiral who served in World War I.

  • Another Heroic Edward Goodnow - GFA member George Martel passed along information about Edward Wegmann Goodnow, born on August 31, 1917, in Greenfield, MA, shortly after 16-year-old Edward Samuel Goodnow, also of Greenfield, MA, lost his life while heroically trying to rescue a drowning friend. It was suggested that Edward W. was named is Edward S.’s honor, but that is unproven and Edward W. does not appear in any GFA genealogy records. Edward W. enlisted in the Air Corps in 1942, rose to the rank of First Lieutenant, and was killed in combat, at age 27, when his plane was shot down over France, on January 21, 1944. He was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

  • Goodenows in World War I Project: Progress Report, By John T. Goodnough - GFA member (and current GFA President) John T. Goodnough is endeavoring to gather, research and compile information on family members who served during World War I. He solicits information on soldiers or other participants, and also invites any interested GFA members to serve on a research committee. This installment summarizes the state of the war in early- to mid-1918, and profiles two Goodenows who served militarily: Charles Raymond Goodnough (April 19, 1891-September 19, 1948) of Oregon, and Ralph Holmes Goodno (February 21, 1897-February 28, 1936) of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Charles was a descendant of Capt Edmund Goodenow; Ralph was descended from Thomas Goodenow.

  • Vol. 36 No.1, February 2018
    • Carol Sue McWain Goodenough. Obituary of the founder of the Goodenow Family Association (12 June 1948-26 December 2018). - Though only related to the family by marriage, Carol zealously pursued genealogy research on Goodenoughs, started a newsletter in 1981 to share family research, and coordinated a gathering of interested family members in 1988, in Sudbury, MA, the town that the immigrant Goodenows helped to settle. Intended as a one-time event to mark the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the Goodenow immigrants in the new world, those at the gathering voted to establish the Goodenow Family Association.

    • Tributes to Carol Goodenough by GFA members - Three GFA Life members contributed reactions to the news of the passing of Carol Sue McWain Goodenough: Christine Banvard-Fox, Duaine Goodno and Kathy Trusedell.

    • The GFA’s Origin Story, by our Founder - For the 20th anniversary of the founding of the GFA, in 2008, Carol Goodenough was prevailed upon by the then-editor of Goodenows’ Ghosts to write a multi-part history of the Goodenow Family Association. The first installment of that history was adapted for this article.

    • Plans for GFA Reunion 2018 - The next biennial reunion of the Goodenow Family Association will take place in Sudbury, MA. Reunion Coordinators Hal and Betsey Cutler provide details on the headquarters hotel and the activities being planned. The “Early Bird” Program dates are July 16-18, 2018, and the Main Program dates are July 18-22, 2018. The estimated registration fees are listed. 2018 will mark the 380th anniversary of the arrival of the Goodenow immigrants on North American soil; the immigrants all settled in Sudbury, Massachusetts Bay Colony. A Pre-Registration Form is included and should be returned to the Cutlers by mail or email.

    • Mail-Bag - GFA member George Martel’s letter expresses his and his family’s thanks for the coverage (in the November 2017 issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts) of the August 2017 ceremony honoring his uncle, Edward Samuel Goodnow. Edward Samuel lost his life in 1917 while trying to rescue a drowning friend. The 2017 ceremony involved a Boy Scout Court of Honor and the unveiling of an epithet on his grave stone "A Boy Scout Hero Who Gave His Life For Another".

    • Queries
      1. Anna Hoyt Lyon is seeking a photograph and information on Robert Goodenow (19 April 1800-15 May 1874). During his life he served in the U.S. Congress and was a lawyer in Farmington, ME. He was also a founder of Franklin Savings Bank and Ms. Lyon is preparing a booklet for the bank’s 150th anniversary.

      2. Patricia Ellis Archer, a relatively new GFA member, is seeking information on her great-great grandfather, Rev. W.S. (William Stuart) Goodno, and his descendants. She may be contacted at (Her great grandfather, Charles F. Goodno, a son of Rev. W.S. Goodno, was the subject of an article in the May 2017 issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts (Vol. 35 #2, p 31)).

    • Tidbits: Distant Goodenow Cousins Were High School Classmates - GFA member George Martel (descendent of Thomas Goodenow) reveals that he and a late GFA member, David G. Bush (descendent of Capt Edmund Goodenow), were members of the Class of 1940 at Westfield (MA) High School. He reminisces about their student days and provided yearbook photographs.

    • Goodenow, Illinois - GFA Life member Paula Raboy’s brother and sister-in-law ran across Goodenow, IL, during a sightseeing trip, and passed along information that they uncovered about several residents of the town: George W. Goodenow (founder), Frank J. Goodenow (founder’s son) and Abram Darling (founder’s nephew).

    • Family Events
      1. Obituary of Lois Foster (24 August 1926 – 27 August 2016), GFA Life member, resident of Yuma, AZ, and a descendant of Capt. Edmund Goodenow.

      2. Obituary of Loucile M. Goodno ( - 2 February 2017), of Parish, NY, widow of GFA Life member Robert H. Goodno (14 March 1925-18 December 2012), who was a descendant of Capt. Edmund Goodenow.

    • The Fun Summer Challenge Winds Up - In response to the "Fun Summer Challenge" launched in the August 2017 issue of Ghosts, photographs were received from GFA Life member Shawn Doyle (of her trip to Australia) and GFA member (and newsletter editor) Carol Baxter (of a trip to Brevard, NC, to view the "Great American Solar Eclipse").

    • Goodenows in World War I: Progress Report, By John T. Goodnough - GFA member (and current GFA President) John T. Goodnough is endeavoring to gather, research and compile information on family members who served during World War I. He solicits information on soldiers or other participants, and also invites any interested GFA members to serve on a research committee. This installment summarizes the state of the war in early 1918, and profiles two Goodenows who served militarily. Delos Charles Goodenough (1898-1970), great-uncle of the author (John T. Goodnough), grew up in upstate New York, joined a Reserve unit in Binghamton, NY, was called up and served in Europe from May 1918-April 1919. His duties included transportation support and military engineering. He was a descendant of the immigrant Thomas Goodenow. Glenn W. Goodenow (1893-1970) was from Pennsylvania, enlisted in August 1917, was transported to Europe in May 1918 as a member of the 111th U.S. Infantry and fought in several battles in France. He returned to America in April 1919; his connection to the 1638 Goodenow immigrants is not known.

    Vol. 35 No.4, November 2017
    • GFA Scholarship Announcement for 2018/19 - The 2018/19 Scholarship application instructions and eligibility requirements are given.

    • Plans for GFA Reunion 2018 - The next biennial reunion of the Goodenow Family Association will take place in Sudbury, MA. The "Early Bird" Program is July 16-18, 2018, and for the Main Program dates are July 18-22, 2018. The estimated registration fees are listed. Reunion Coordinators are Hal and Betsey Cutler. 2018 will mark the 380th anniversary of the arrival of the Goodenow Immigrants on North American soil. A Pre-Registration Form is included and should be returned to the Cutlers by mail or email.

    • Mail-Bag
      1. Letter from Patricia Ellis Archer, a relatively new GFA member, sharing more information on her great grandfather, Charles F. Goodno (who was the subject of an article in the May 2017 issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts (Vol. 35 #2, p 31)); on Charles’ father, Rev. W.S. Goodno; and Charles’ descendants.

      2. Letter from Simon Goodenough, British GFA member, commenting on the lineage of Admiral Sir W.E. Goodenough (who was mentioned as a World War I veteran in the August issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts (Vol. 35 #3, pp 68-69)), making the case that the Admiral is unrelated to the Wiltshire Goodenows, but instead hails from Oxfordshire, a descendant of Richard Goodenough, whose will was proven in 1560, and who is Simon Goodenough’s 10 x Great Grandfather.

    • Centennial Commemoration Honoring Boy Scout Hero Edward Samuel Goodnow, Posthumous Recipient of Gold Award for Heroism Recognized at Ceremony on August 27, 2017 - GFA member George Martel and his brother, Edward Goodnow Martel, are nephews of a Boy Scout hero, Edward Samuel Goodnow. Edward drowned on August 29, 1917, at age 16, while attempting to save a drowning friend. Edward was a Boy Scout (Troop 14, Springfield, MA) and was posthumously awarded one of the first Gold Medals for Heroism presented by the Boy Scouts of America. Thanks to the efforts of a BSA Historian and officials of the Western Massachusetts Council of the Boy Scouts of America, a Court of Honor ceremony took place at Edward’s gravesite during the centennial year of his death, on August 27, 2017. An epitaph, “A Boy Scout Hero Who Gave His Life For Another”, was added to Edward’s gravestone and was unveiled by the Martels. The Martels (and Edward) are descendants of the immigrant Thomas.

    • Brian Pendleton Elevated to Eagle Scout - GFA Life member H. David Pendleton’s son, Brian, fulfilled the requirements for Eagle Scout status in April 2017, and received the rank on November 12, 2017, at the Fall Eagle Court of Honor of Troop 123 of the Heart of America Council. Brian has earned 120 merit badges and has committed to earning all 137. His other accomplishments are listed, including his Eagle Scout project to construct artificial fish habitats. His team produced 14 mobile habitats and saved the county Parks and Recreation Department almost $3,000. Brian is a descendant of Capt Edmund Goodenow.

    • Query - Anna Hoyt Lyon is seeking a photograph and information on Robert Goodenow (19 April 1800-15 May 1874); during his life he served in the U.S. Congress and was a lawyer in Farmington, ME. She may be contacted via email (a.lyon 'at' or through the GFA Facebook manager, Christine Banvard-Fox (cbanvard19 'at' The Ghosts editor would also appreciate being copied on any responses (ceegeebea 'at'

    • Family Events
      1. Seneca Fox and Matthew Stephens Wed (26 August 2017). The bride is the daughter of Life members Christine Banvard-Fox and Marc Fox, and granddaughter of Ted Banvard, author of Goodenows Who Originated in Sudbury, Massachusetts, 1638 A.D. She is descended from Capt. Edmund Goodenow.

      2. Lila Weaver Bush (8 August 1924-16 February 2017) obituary. Widow of GFA member David G. Bush (21 April 1922-10 June 2012), a descendant of Capt. Edmund Goodenow.

    • Capt. James (Larry) Goodnow’s 1945 Philippine Trek - GFA Life member John E. Goodnow discovered a detailed trip "diary" written by his father after World War II ended, and has transcribed the trip account for printing in Goodenows’ Ghosts. Shortly after WWII ended, Capt. Goodnow, a descendant of the immigrant Capt. Edmund, traveled by truck and on foot to the village of Hapao in the mountains of Northern Luzon.

    • Journal of Trip to Hapao, Ifugao Mountain Province, Luzon, Philippines By Captain James (Larry) Goodnow, Part 4 of 4 - Invited by two Filipino woodcarvers to accompany them to their mountain village, Capt. Goodnow and his commanding officer departed from their camp by truck on October 8, 1945. In this installment, he describes the events of October 12, 1945, which involved hiking from Hapao to Kiangan; and of October 15, 2017, when the American travelers completed their trip by taking a truck back to the Army base near Umingan.

    • Epilogue by John E. Goodnow on His Philippine Treks - GFA Life member and son of Capt. James (Larry) Goodnow describes two trips he made to the village of Hapao in 2014 and 2015, where he encountered residents who were related to some of the people that his father had helped 69-70 years prior.

    • GFA Members Share Vacation Memories - In response to the "Fun Summer Challenge" launched in the previous issue of Ghosts, photographs are printed from GFA Life members Dennis and Paulette Goodno and GFA Life members Kathy and Bill Truesdell. The Goodnos shared views from their trip to Donhead St. Andrews, Wiltshire, England, the “hometown” of the 1638 Goodenow immigrants. The Truesdells’ photographs covered several short trips: to Santa Barbara, Joshua Tree National Park, and to the eastern Sierra mountains.

    • Goodenows in World War I: Progress Report By John T. Goodnough - GFA member (and current GFA President) John T. Goodnough is endeavoring to gather, research and compile information on family members who served during World War I. He solicits information on soldiers or other participants, and also invites any interested GFA members to serve on a research committee. This installment profiles Rufus King Goodenow, Jr. (1885-1963), who studied medicine at Johns Hopkins University and, after the Selective Service System was instituted, enlisted in the Army, in September 2917. A year later he was shipped overseas and served as an aviator. After returning to the States in 1919, he became a banker in Baltimore, MD. Rufus was a descendant of Thomas Goodenow.

    • Updated Digital Database will be available for ordering after Thanksgiving, November 23, 2017 - Those who own a digital version of the GFA database are eligible to order an updated database. The cost is $10.00 and the now-outdated digital media must be returned along with the payment and order form.

    • GFA Database Now Available in Digital Form - Members of the GFA are eligible to purchase a digital copy of the full GFA database for $50. In addition to the primary database of 66,000+ listings and secondary database of 3,000+ persons not (yet) connected to the immigrants, each copy includes presentations made at the 2014 reunion – “Puritan’s Make A Village” by Hal Cutler and Robert Goodenough’s talk on Bob Goodenow. As the GFA Database(s) are updated with new information or corrections, updates will be made available at a nominal cost. You may choose either (1) a USB flash drive, (2) a CD, or (3) a DVD; and in one of these formats: (1) Legacy Family Tree or (2) GEDCOM.

      (1) No software is included; purchaser is responsible for acquiring needed software. Free versions are available for both Legacy Family Tree and GEDCOM; to access full capabilities of Legacy Family Tree, users must purchase the Deluxe version. (2) For technical reasons, we cannot guarantee that 100% of the Notes in the Legacy Family Tree file will be transferred intact into GEDCOM.

    Vol. 35 No.3, August 2017
    • 2018 GFA Reunion News - The next biennial reunion of the Goodenow Family Association will be headquartered in Sudbury, MA. The tentative dates for the “Early Bird” Program are July 16-18, 2018, and for the Main Program dates are July 18-22, 2018. Reunion Coordinators are Hal and Betsey Cutler. 2018 will mark the 380th anniversary of the arrival of John, Thomas, Edmund and Ursula Goodenow in the Massachusetts Bay colony. All members are invited!

    • Fun Summer Challenge! - Readers are invited to send in photographs of their summer adventures for future publication.

    • Capt. James (Larry) Goodnow’s 1945 Philippine Trek - GFA Life member John E. Goodnow discovered a detailed trip "diary" written by his father after World War II ended, and has transcribed the trip account for printing in Goodenows’ Ghosts. Shortly after WWII ended, Capt. Goodnow, a descendant of the immigrant Capt. Edmund, traveled by truck and on foot to the village of Hapao in the mountains of Northern Luzon.

    • Journal of Trip to Hapao, Ifugao Mountain Province, Luzon, Philippines By Captain James (Larry) Goodnow, Part 3 of 4 - Invited by two Filipino woodcarvers to accompany them to their mountain village, Capt. Goodnow and his commanding officer departed from their camp by truck on October 8, 1945. In this installment, he describes the events of October 11, 1945, which involved a full day of hiking, the surprising discovery of a church in a valley, and interactions with Hapao villagers.

    • Centennial Commemoration Honoring Boy Scout Hero Edward Samuel Goodnow; Posthumous Recipient of Gold Award for Heroism to be Recognized at Ceremony on August 27, 2017 - GFA member George Martel never met his uncle, Edward Samuel Goodnow, because Edward drowned on August 29, 1917, at age 16, while attempting to save a drowning friend. Edward had been a Boy Scout and he was posthumously awarded one of the first Gold Medals for Heroism presented by the Boy Scouts of America. Thanks to the efforts of a BSA Historian, a ceremony honoring Edward’s sacrifice is taking place at Edward’s gravesite during the centennial year of his death. Edward was a descendant of the immigrant Thomas.

    • The Goodenow, Illinois, Cyclone of May 26, 1917; Postcards documented destruction - Four postcards graphically show the aftermath of a 1917 tornado that roared through the town of Goodenow, IL, situated in the southwest corner of the town of Crete, IL. The settlement was named after George Washington Goodenow, a descendant of Capt. Edmund, who laid out the town and was its first postmaster. The town no longer exists, perhaps in part due to the storm.

    • Edward P. Goodnow in the Theatre World - Edward P. Goodnow built a career as a professional actor, director and producer, primarily in the years between WWI and WWII. He appeared in a production at Harvard in 1923; popped up as a casting director in Boston, co-founded (with Francis Grover Cleveland, son of President Grover Cleveland) a professional summer theatre in New Hampshire and was named the company’s first director in 1931; acted on Broadway from 1935-37; and served as backstage Stage Manager during the Broadway run of Our Town in 1938. When Our Town was made into a movie, in 1940, Edward P. Goodnow’s name appeared in the credits as a technical advisor. In the 1950s he managed the Coconut Grove Playhouse in Miami, FL. His connection to the immigrant Goodenows is unknown at this time.

    • Goodenows in World War I: Progress Report By John T. Goodnough - GFA member (and current GFA President) John T. Goodnough is endeavoring to gather, research and compile information on family members who served during World War I. He solicits information on soldiers or other participants, and also invites any interested GFA members to serve on a research committee. This report profiles British Admiral Sir William Edmund Goodenough (1867-1945), presumably descended from the family lines that declined to leave England in 1638. He commanded a cruiser squadron from 1913-16 and saw action in decisive sea battles against German naval forces. His career peaked in the late 1920s when he became Principal Naval Aide de Camp to the King of England.

    • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. The excerpt in the August issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts concerns the Goodenows who stayed behind in England. Excerpts also appeared in the May 2014, August 2014 and November 2014 issues; in all four 2015 issues; in the May, August and November 2016 issues; and in the February and May 2017 issues. This installment discusses the Goodenows who stayed behind in England.

    • GFA Scholarship Announcement for 2018/19 - The 2018/19 Scholarship application instructions and eligibility requirements are given.

    Vol. 35 No.2, May 2017
    • Scholarship Recipient: Kathryn Anderson - The 2017/18 Scholarship winner is the grand-daughter of GFA members Thomas and Karen Goodno of Conklin, MI. The essay that Kathryn Anderson submitted as part of the Scholarship application process is printed. Kathryn is a descendant of the immigrant Capt. Edmund Goodenow.

    • Capt. James (Larry) Goodnow’s 1945 Philippine Trek - GFA Life member John E. Goodnow discovered a detailed trip "diary" written by his father after World War II ended, and has transcribed the trip account for printing in Goodenows’ Ghosts. Capt. Goodnow traveled by truck and on foot to the village of Hapao in the mountains of Northern Luzon.

    • Journal of Trip to Hapao, Ifugao Mountain Province, Luzon, Philippines By Captain James (Larry) Goodnow, Part 2 of 4 - Invited by two Filipino woodcarvers to accompany them to their mountain village, Capt. Goodnow and his commanding officer departed from their camp by truck on October 8, 1945. In this installment, he describes the events of October 10, 1945, which included recruiting native porters and a full day of hiking.

    • Recent Goodenow/Goodenough DNA Results by Gordon Hamilton, GFA Life Member - The GFA approved payment for carrying out a more advanced DNA test than was available in 2008, when the GFA launched its original DNA project. The new test (called the “Big Y Test”) was performed on an existing sample, that of Life member Stan Goodenough (a descendant of the immigrant Thomas). GFA Life member Gordon Hamilton, a Penn State University emeritus professor of organic and biological chemistry, explains the results: that in comparison to all the DNA samples tested by FamilyTreeDNA, the Goodnows/Goodenoughs have no closely related lines, having branched off at least 2,000 years ago from the nearest related families.

    • Li-ion king Goodenough creates battery he says really is good enough - Batt[ery] inventor John is back and says his latest design charges fast, holds more energy John Bannister Goodenough is an acclaimed physicist who received a National Medal of Science from then-President Obama in 2013. He is credited with co-inventing the re-chargeable lithium-ion battery in 1980, leading to devices such as cellphones, iPads, laptops, power tools and electric and hybrid cars. In March 2017, at age 94, Goodenough announced that his team, at the University of Texas at Austin, has developed an all-solid-state battery that will charge more quickly, store 60% more energy, function well at low temperatures and will never explode. The article also covers Goodenough’s difficult upbringing, his Professional Career, his Awards and Accomplishments, and Personal Details. John B. Goodenough traces back though two lines to the immigrant Thomas Goodenow.

    • William E. Goodnow and the U.S. Supreme Court - In December 1891, a case reached the Supreme Court in which a William E. Goodnow played a key role. Goodnow, described as a broker, was a member of a jury hearing a case in the U.S. Court in New York City. Several days into the trial, Goodnow was accused of being acquainted with the defendant. Though both Goodnow and the defendant denied previously knowing each other, this allegation made the newspapers and all of the jurors admitted having read this news. The presiding judge dismissed the jury and the defendant was retried by a different judge and jury, was found guilty and sentenced to six years in prison. The defendant’s attorneys contended that the retrial constituted double jeopardy and the case went to the Supreme Court. In the end, the Justices ruled that the presiding judge had acted properly and the retrial did not constitute double jeopardy.

    • William Goodnow, Real Estate Broker - In a publication printed in 1894, a William Goodnow is profiled, described as a Real Estate agent and broker in New York City. He possibly is the same William Goodnow who served as a juror in the case that went before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1891. He was a native of Massachusetts who lived and worked in Wisconsin and Georgia before establishing his real estate business in New York City in 1880. This William Goodnow is descended from the immigrant Thomas Goodenow.

    • Goodenows in World War I: First Steps By John T. Goodnough - GFA member (and current GFA President) John T. Goodnough is endeavoring to gather, research and compile information on family members who served during World War I. He solicits information on soldiers or other participants, and also invites any interested GFA members to serve on a research committee. Following the declaration of war against Germany by President Woodrow Wilson, in April 1917, the United States instituted a Draft and introduced War Bonds to support the costs of mobilizing. Two men are profiled: Charles Lee Goodenough (descended from the immigrant Thomas) was discharged from the Army Reserves at just about the same time as America declared war, though he remained on the eligibility roster; Glenn William Goodenow (connection to immigrants unknown) had served in a National Guard unit, choose to enlist in the Army in August 1917 and saw action in Western Europe in 1918.

    • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. The excerpt in the May issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts concerns 1638 immigrant Thomas Goodenow and his Will. Excerpts also appeared in the May 2014, August 2014 and November 2014 issues; in all four 2015 issues; in the May, August and November 2016 issues; and in the February 2017 issue.

    • Family Events

      • Janet M. Groenier (4 February 1937-30 March 2017) long-term GFA member who also served as Second Vice President (1998-2000), Co-Editor and Publisher of Goodenows’ Ghosts (2000-2006), and Scholarship Oversight Committee Chair (2006-2014). She also initiated the Armed Services Honor Roll feature in Goodenows’ Ghosts. She was a descendant of Capt. Edmund Goodenow.

      • Peggy Potter (1 August 1950-19 March 2015) wife of GFA Life member Michael J. Potter. She was a descendant of Thomas Goodenow.

      • Charles M. Goodno (d. 14 December 1894)

    • Queries
      • Goodenow Family Founding Documents: Monte Tucker ( seeks information on the family’s founding documents, as attested by his ancestor Susan Goodenow (b. 18 Apr 1830) and relatives since then.

      • The Parents of Charles E. Goodenough: Glen Wells ( seeks information on his wife’s maternal grandfather, Charles E. Goodenough (21 Jul 1862-20 Aug 1938). Possibly Charles’ parents were Frances and Phoebe Goodenough.

    • Vol. 35 No.1, February 2017
      • Revising John Goodinowe’s Death and Will Dates - Deciphering the Dates in the Will of John, the father of Thomas and Grandfather of the 1638 Immigrants, John, Thomas, Capt. Edmund, Ursula and (later) Dorothy John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, is listed as the first generation in the book published in 1994, Goodenows Who Originated in Sudbury, Massachusetts, 1638 A.D., by Ted Banvard. His death date is given as 7 Jan 1592/3. The GFA’s U.K-based genealogist, Jenny Dunford, has reported that this date is incorrect, and this has been confirmed by the senior archivist at the Wiltshire Archives. The Will of John Goodinowe was transcribed in the Will Registry book using "Secretary Hand", a hand-writing style in fashion from ca. 1550 to ca. 1650. Additionally, the dates were written in Latin, and some words were abbreviated, making interpretation challenging. Sections of the Will showing the dates are enlarged and printed in the article, with the dates translated and transcribed below. The actual date of John’s Will was November 24, 1573; the date of the Probate was January 7, 1573 [England at this time used the Julian calendar and the year began on March 25, not January 1; therefore January 7, 1573 is equivalent to January 7, 1574].

      • Capt. James (Larry) Goodnow’s 1945 Philippine Trek - GFA Life member John E. Goodnow discovered a detailed trip "diary" written by his father after World War II ended, and has transcribed the trip account for printing in Goodenows’ Ghosts. Capt. Goodnow traveled by truck and on foot to the village of Hapao in the mountains of Northern Luzon in October 1945.

      • Journal of Trip to Hapao, Ifugao Mountain Province, Luzon, Philippines - By Captain James (Larry) Goodnow, Part 1 of 4
        Invited by two Filipino woodcarvers to accompany them to their mountain village, Capt. Goodnow and his commanding officer departed from their camp by truck on October 8, 1945. He describes the preparations, route and encounters during the first two days of the excursion, October 8-9, 1945.

      • Edward Samuel Goodnow, Boy Scout Hero, Honored in 2016 Eagle Scout Project - GFA member George Martel never met his mother’s twin brother, Edward Samuel Goodnow, because Edward, a 16-year old Boy Scout, drowned in 1917 while trying to rescue a drowning friend. He was posthumously awarded a Gold Award for Heroism by the Boy Scouts of America. Now Ben Motta, a 14-year-old Eagle Scout from Virginia, has dedicated a Life Ring Buoy Stand along the Rappahannock River in memory of Edward.

      • 2017 Commemoration Proposed for Boy Scout Heroes - Four Boy Scouts died in 1917 while trying to save another’s life, and were posthumously presented with the first BSA Gold Honor Awards. One of those four boys was Edward Samuel Goodnow. A historian with the BSA is proposing to commemorate these acts of bravery and sacrifice during 2017, the centennial year of the boys’ deaths. He provides a status report and mentions a video posted on YouTube may result in publicizing the project and perhaps help in generating funds.

      • Prelude to World War I By John T. Goodnough - GFA member (and current GFA President) John T. Goodnough introduces his new project, to gather, research and compile information on family members who served during World War I. He solicits information on soldiers or other participants, and also invites any interested GFA members to serve on a research committee. An Incomplete World War I Soldier Profile: Corporal C.N. Goodnow. A photograph of this doughboy was found on a website. All that is known about him is his name and rank, and that he was in Co. A, 101st Engineers Battalion, supposedly based at Methuen, MA. John requests any information about this soldier.

      • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. The excerpt in the February issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts concerns 1638 immigrant Ursulah Goodenow and the contents of her Will. Excerpts also appeared in the May 2014, August 2014 and November 2014 issues; in all four 2015 issues; and in the May, August and November 2016 issues.

      • Family Events - Obituary of Dennis John Goodno (15 April 1937-15 January 2017) GFA member 1996-2000. Obituary of Janet M. Stewart (27 August 1931-9 June 2016) GFA Life member

      • GFA Database Now Available in Digital Form - Members of the GFA are eligible to purchase a digital copy of the full GFA database for $50. In addition to the primary database of 65,936 listings and secondary database of 3,055 persons not (yet) connected to the immigrants, each copy includes presentations made at the 2014 reunion – “Puritan’s Make A Village” by Hal Cutler and Robert Goodenough’s talk on Bob Goodenow. As the GFA Database(s) are updated with new information or corrections, updates will be made available at a nominal cost. You may choose either (1) a USB flash drive, (2) a CD, or (3) a DVD; and in one of these formats: (1) Legacy Family Tree or (2) GEDCOM.

      Vol. 34 No. 4, November 2016
      • The Ghost of the August Issue of Ghosts (Or, why was the issue so late?) - By Kristin Peterson, GFA newsletter . August issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts was not mailed out until mid- to late-September, and Kristin explains a couple of reasons why: (1) the 2016 reunion was a week later than usual, which delayed news items, reports and photographs from the reunion; and mainly, (2) a severe storm struck Oberlin, knocking out electricity and hampering newsletter production. The storm also toppled a tree near a memorial bench in the Westwood cemetery, erected in honor of Kristin’s parents.

      • GFA Scholarship Begins Its Twelfth Year - Oversight Committee Chair H. David Pendleton lists criteria, deadlines and instructions for scholarship applicants.

      • GFA Reunion 2016 Album, Part 2 - Eight photographs.

      • Phillips J. Goodenough no longer ‘unconnected’ - Bill Groenier, GFA Information Manager, reported that he has been able to prove a link between the late Phillips J. Goodenough, long-time GFA member, and Capt Edmund Goodenow, 1638 immigrant.

      • Query Update - In the August 2016 issue of Ghosts, GFA member Anne Swicegood Schwanda solicited information about the marriage of John Goodenow and Sarah Appleton. GFA Information Manager Bill Groenier responded by citing the source for the marriage according to the GFA Primary Database.

      • Is Ambrose Goodinoughe "Our" John’s Ancestor? - Report from Jenny Dunford, U.K. Genealogist. The GFA authorized Jenny Dunford to carry out 24 hours of research, and requested that she check into the claim -- put forth on a couple of websites -- that two previous generations to John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake have been identified, namely Robert and Ambrose. In the Wiltshire archives Jenny located a Will written in 1613 by Ambrose Goodinough and provided a scan of the document. She also transcribed the Will as originally written and with modernized spelling. She also analyzed the Will and the websites, and concluded that the Will has been misinterpreted and does not prove any connection to John Goodinowe. Most compellingly, Ambrose’s Will was written 40 years after the death of John Goodinowe, making it impossible for Ambrose to be an ancestor of John Goodinowe.

      • A New Lead - John Goodinowe’s Father? - Report from Jenny Dunford, U.K. Genealogist. Through the Ancestry website, Jenny Dunford has found documents related to a Chancery case involving "John Goodynow", represented by his son and executor, John. The locales mentioned and the time period point to the "on and executor, John"possibly being John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, the grandfather of the immigrants.

      • John Goodynow - Chancery Case - Report from Jenny Dunford, U.K. Genealogist. Jenny Dunford explains the Court of Chancery system in 16th-century England and the individuals involved in the case: William Marketman of Upton Lovell, Complainant; Nicholas Selfe, executor of Thomas Selfe of Cadley; and John, son and executor of John Goodynow. Based on the clues regarding dates and locations, Jenny builds an argument that the "son and executor of John Goodynow" is one and the same person as John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, grandfather of the immigrants, and that his father’s given name was John. She posits that John Goodynow lived from ca. 1475-1539 and was a husbandman. Includes a transcript of the Chancery Case Answer made by John Goodynow (junior).

      • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England - By Mary Alice Burke Robinson. This excerpt provides information on Capt. Edmund Goodenow, one of the 1638 immigrants. He, his wife Anne Barry, and two young sons John and Thomas, came to Massachusetts on The Confidence and settled in Sudbury. Their family grew to six children, and information on their mates is listed.

      • Adventures After Flagstaff - From Christine Banvard-Fox. From Kathy and Bill Truesdell.

      • Memoirs of a U.S. Army Soldier, 1942-45 - By Philip R. Baxter, published posthumously. The late Philip R. Baxter wrote down his experiences from the time he was drafted into the U.S. Army, in 1942, until his return home and a bit after. At first he was being trained to be an engineer, but that training program was suspended by the Army and he was sent to serve in the 96th Infantry Division, which saw action in Leyte and on Okinawa, in the Pacific Theater of World War II.

      • Take Note! - Reminders of ongoing projects: Goodenows in World War I; Goodenows in the Civil War; List of Goodenow Research Sites; and Suggestions for 2018 GFA Reunion.

      Vol. 34 No. 3,August 2016
      • 2016 Reunion Report: The Southwest Experience by John T. Goodnough, Reunion Coordinator - Account of activities during the July 17-24 GFA Reunion in Flagstaff, AZ, beginning with “Early Bird” field trips to Waputki and Sunset Crater National Monuments and the Grand Canyon; the Welcome Dinner, marking the official opening of the reunion; the business meeting; trips to Sedona and Meteor Crater; and the Farewell Dinner.

      • GFA Reunion 2016 Album - 26 photographs of members and activities during the reunion.

      • Summary, Minutes of GFA Biennial Business Meeting - Submitted by Interim Recording Secretary Kathy Truesdell. Summary of meeting of July 21 and July 24, 2016, covering Officers’ Reports, Standing Committee Reports, Old Business, and New Business. New Business included adoption of 2016-18 proposed budget, election of officers for 2016-18, and determining sites of future reunions.

      • A Goodenow Witch Hunt By Dennis Goodno - GFA Life member Dennis Goodno became curious about any possible involvement by Goodenow family members in the infamous Salem witch trials. His research led him to several sources, including the book, Salem Witch Trials - A Day-by-Day Chronicle of A Community Under Siege by Marilynne K. Roach, and a history of Sudbury published in 1889, in which reference was made to complaints of bewitchment made by "the children of John Goodenow of Boston". After analyzing the documents available and carrying out research online, Dennis Goodno concludes that the 1889 book mis-identified the family involved: it was Goodwin, not Goodenow.

      • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - Part IX concerns the 1638 immigrants, Thomas Goodenow and his wife, Jane Ruddock, and their offspring. With footnotes.

      • Queries - GFA member Anne S. Schwanda is seeking proof that John Goodenow, son of Rufus King Goodenow, married Sarah Appleton, the daughter of John White Appleton.

      • Family Events -
        • Obituary of Philip Roland Baxter, a GFA member and descendant of Thomas Goodenow (18 July 1922-14 June 2016).
        • Obituary of Phillips J. Goodenough, a GFA member who is at present unconnected to the immigrants (13 January 1922-6 March

      • Take Note! - Brief write-ups of on-going research projects for which member input is solicited:
        • Goodenows in World War I - send to John T. Goodnough
        • Goodenows in the Civil War - send to John T. Goodnough
        • Compilation of Goodenow Research Sites - send to Kathy Truesdell
        • Reunion 2018, Sudbury, MA - contact Hal and Betsey Cutler
        • Reunion 2020, Illinois - contact Donna Peterson

      • Reminder: GFA Database Is Now Available in Digital Form! - A digital copy of the full GFA database is available to GFA members only, for $50. It contains the primary database of 69,300 listings, a secondary database of 3,042 persons not (yet) connected to the immigrants, plus two presentations made at the 2014 reunion - "Puritans Make A Village" by Hal Cutler and Robert Goodenough’s talk on Bob Goodenow.

      Vol. 34 No. 2, May 2016
      • GFA 2016 Reunion - The Southwest Experience - Final Report by John T. Goodnough, Reunion Coordinator. Reminds readers that time is short for registering for the July 17-24 GFA Reunion in Flagstaff, AZ; alerts pre-registrants that they should soon receive the Registration Packet and that the deadline is June 20; and outlines the activities planned. Includes a "Last Call" Pre-Registration Form, to be completed and returned to John T. Goodnough.

      • Blake Giles Magee: 2016/17 GFA Scholarship Recipient - The Chair of the Scholarship Oversight Committee, H. David Pendleton, announced that Blake Giles Magee will be receiving the 2016/17 GFA Scholarship. He will be enrolling at Texas A & M University and will receive $1,500. Blake is the grandson of GFA member Thomas Edward Giles. The scholarship essay submitted by Blake is printed, as are photographs and thank you notes from Blake and his family.

      • Upcoming General Meeting and Election of Officers During the 2016 Biennial Reunion - The General Meeting of the Association is scheduled for July 21. Members are solicited for suggested Agenda items needing discussion, and encouraged to consider serving in one of the elective offices (President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer)

      • GFA Officers’ Duties and Status of Current Office-Holders - Descriptions of the elective officers’ responsibilities and names of the current officers and the number of terms they have served.

      • The Mail-Bag - Letter from GFA member Jim Loehrke in reaction to the cover story of the February 2016 issue regarding the discovery of a Bible owned by Rev. Edward Augustus Goodnough (1825-1890).

      • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England - By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - Part VIII concerns the Will of the immigrant, John Goodenow, as published in a New England Historic Genealogical Society publication in 1865. With footnotes.

      • John Goodenow of Sudbury: His Will and Inventory of His Estate - A reprint of the Will of the immigrant John Goodenow, published in 1999 by the New England Historic Genealogical Society; also includes Acknowledgements, the inventory of his estate, and Endorsements and Receipt by his Executor, Overseers, and Magistrates.

      • Family Events -
        • Obituary of Marlowe W. Iverson, the husband of Bethel Ann Locke Iverson, a descendant of Thomas Goodenow (7 March 1925 - 29 November 2014).
        • Obituary of Edward Goodnough, a descendant of Thomas Goodenow, as printed in the Brandon (VT) Union (d. 3 March 1895).

      • Algernon Mordant Goodnough, 1838-1916 - A profile from the Memorial and Biographical History of Northern California (1891), who was born in Illinois, raised in Vermont, and earned a degree from the Yale Theological Seminary. After serving churches in Connecticut and California, he became a dealer in musical instruments and was known for his ability to sing over 400 songs from memory.

      • Best-Selling Author Creates Fictional Goodenoughs - Tracy Chevalier (author of The Girl With a Pearl Earring) has written a new book, At the Edge of the Orchard, whose main characters have the surname Goodenough. This book review was published in the Bakersfield Californian on April 24, 2016, and was submitted by GFA Life member Paula Raboy. The reviewer, Sharon Peters, awarded 4 out of 4 stars to the book.

      • Some Family Manufacturing Trademarks - Capsule biographies and trademark images of several known Goodnow/Goodnough craftsmen/manufacturers: Silas H. Goodnow, 1814-1858, watch-repairer and jeweler in Massachusetts (Edmund descendant); Walter R. Goodnow, 1855-1917, co-founder of Goodnow and Jenks of Boston (unconnected); P.A. Goodnough, presumed to be Prescott Alvord Goodnough of Erie, PA, 1869-1959, watch-maker, jeweler (Thomas descendant); Abel Franklin Goodnow (1822-1885) and Ebenezer Goodnow Lamson (1814-1891), cousins who founded the cutlery firm of Lamson & Goodnow in Shelburne Falls, MA (both Thomas descendants).

      • Reminder: GFA Database Is Now Available in Digital Form - A digital copy of the full GFA database is available to GFA members only, for $50. It contains the primary database of 65,936 listings, a secondary database of 3,055 persons not (yet) connected to the immigrants, plus two presentations made at the 2014 reunion – “Puritan’s Make A Village” by Hal Cutler and Robert Goodenough’s talk on Bob Goodenow. Purchasers will be notified when updates are released, which will be available at a nominal cost. Purchasers must choose either (1) a USB flash drive, (2) a CD, or (3) a DVD; and must also specify one of these formats: (1) in Legacy Family Tree, or (2) as a GEDCOM file.

      • What is GEDCOM? - This genealogy software term, an acronym "GE" for Genealogy, "D" for Data, and "COM" for Communications, was developed by the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints in its Family History Department. It allows users to easily transport family tree information to any genealogy program. Drawn from the website by Will Moneymaker.

      • Descendant Report from Secondary GFA Database - Descendants of Aaron Goodenough (cont’d.) beginning with the Fifth generation.

      Vol. 34 No. 1, February 2016
    • GFA Reunion 2016 - The Southwestern Experience by John T. Goodnough, Reunion Coordinator - Summary of planned daily schedule and reservation details for the Doubletree by Hilton-Flagstaff, headquarters hotel for the 2016 reunion, July 17-24. Includes a “Last Call” Pre-Registration Form, to be completed and returned to John T. Goodnough.

    • Upcoming General Meeting and Election of Officers During the 2016 Biennial Reunion - The General Meeting of the Association is scheduled for July 21. Members are solicited for suggested Agenda items needing discussion, and encouraged to consider serving in one of the elective offices (President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer).

    • GFA Officers’ Duties and Status of Current Office-Holders - Descriptions of the elective officers’ responsibilities and names of the current officers and the number of terms they have served.

    • A Future Hero: Edward Samuel Goodnow - A photograph, supplied by GFA member George Martel, shows his mother (Eddith Ruth Goodnow) and her twin brother (Edward Samuel Goodnow) as infants, in late 1901. At age 16, Edward Samuel was a Boy Scout and lost his life while rescuing another boy from drowning. Edward’s parents were presented with the Gold Award for Heroism by the Boy Scouts of America.

    • Rev. E.A. Goodnough’s 1855 Bible - GFA member Hilton Baxter recounts his discovery, while helping his father downsize in 2014, of a Bible that had belonged to his great-great grandfather, Rev. Edward Augustus Goodnough and his wife, Ellen Leonora Goodnough. The Bible was inscribed to the couple with the date 1855. It has been donated to the library at Nashotah House, a seminary and Rev. Goodnough’s alma mater, in Nashotah, WI.

    • A Family Scholarship at Oberlin College by Kristin Peterson - Article on the origins of the Goodenough Family Scholarship Fund at Oberlin College, established there in 1989, and its predecessor, the H.H. Goodenough Scholarship Fund, named in honor of Herbert Harold Goodenough, professor of History and Sociology at the State Normal School, Springfield, SD. That campus later became the University of South Dakota at Springfield, and when that campus was closed in 1986, the distribution became the seed money for the Goodenough Family Scholarship at Oberlin. Two letters from a grateful recent scholarship recipient are also printed.

    • Family Events - Obituary of GFA Life member Mary Vignon Goodno Mittelstet (31 May 1921-21 January 2016)

    • Descendant Report from Secondary GFA Database - he August 2014 issue completed the publication of Lineages not published before. The Secondary GFA Database contains information on Goodenows (any spelling) not yet connected to the 1638 immigrants. Volunteers are urgently needed to carry out research that could prove a connection.

      Descendants of Aaron Goodenough (1781 or 1789-1870), includes names from the 4th generation (continued from August 2015 and November 2015 issues; to be concluded in May 2016 issue).

    • GFA Database Now Available in Digital Form - A digital copy of the full GFA database is available to GFA members only, for $50. It contains the primary database of 65,936 listings, a secondary database of 3,055 persons not (yet) connected to the immigrants, plus two presentations made at the 2014 reunion – “Puritan’s Make A Village” by Hal Cutler and Robert Goodenough’s talk on Bob Goodenow. Purchasers will be notified when updates are released, which will be available at a nominal cost.

      Purchasers must choose either (1) a USB flash drive, (2) a CD, or (3) a DVD; and must also specify one of these formats: (1) in Legacy Family Tree, or (2) as a GEDCOM file.


      1. No software is included, though free versions are available for both Legacy Family Tree and GEDCOM. However, the Deluxe version is needed in order to access the full capabilities of Legacy Family Tree.

      2. For technical reasons, we cannot guarantee that 100% of the Notes in the Legacy Family Tree file will transfer into GEDCOM.

    • Directory of GFA Life and Family Members

    Vol. 33 No. 4, November 2015

    • GFA Scholarship 2016/2017 - Announcement of the GFA scholarship for high school seniors planning to attend either a 2-year or 4-year institution of higher education. Includes eligibility criteria, application procedures, deadline dates, and contact information for the Chair of the Scholarship Oversight Committee.

    • Gearing Up for the GFA 2016 Reunion, Flagstaff - Reunion Coordinator John T. Goodnough outlines details about and reservation instructions for the hotel chosen for the 2016 reunion in Flagstaff, AZ. Includes a Preliminary Survey form to gauge interest, to be completed and returned to John T. Goodnough.

    • Some Goodenow Revolutionary War Ancestors - Inspired by the 125th anniversary of the Daughters of the American Revolution, three Revolutionary War veterans are profiled:
      • John Goodenow (1736-1818) of Sudbury, MA, by Barbara and Chuck Waid (GFA Life members).
      • Fortunatus Howe of Marlboro, MA, by Jeffrey W. Herrmann (GFA member).
      • Joseph Goodenough of Monmouth County, NJ, by Ryan Sandy. With one photograph.

    • Recognition of Boy Scout Hero Edward Samuel Goodnow - The Boy Scouts of America are contemplating a Centennial Commemoration of Edward Samuel Goodnow’s act of heroism. In August 1917, Edward Samuel Goodnow lost his life while rescuing a drowning friend. He became one of the first four Boy Scouts to earn, posthumously, the Gold Award for Heroism. Edward Samuel Goodnow’s story was first told in the August 2009 issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts, based on information provided George Martel, a GFA member and the nephew of Edward Samuel Goodnow. With four photographs. Link to Edward Samuel Goodnow’s grave.

    • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England, By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. The excerpt in the November issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts, covers Sudbury (MA) town matters as documented in the official records, especially as pertaining to Thomas, Capt Edmund, and John Goodenow. Excerpts have also appeared in every issue starting with the May 2014 issue.

    • A More Than Goodenough Pedigree, By Jeffrey W. Herrmann - The author, a GFA member and descendant from the immigrant Thomas, details a 53-generation pedigree that he can trace through one of his great grandfathers, Walter L. Richards. Sources for this extraordinary genealogy include Burke’s Distinguished Families of America and the 8-volume Welsh Genealogies A.D. 300-1400 by Peter C. Bartrum. With one photograph.

    • GFA Database Now Available in Digital Form - A digital copy of the full GFA database is available to GFA members only, for $50. It contains the primary database of 65,936 listings, a secondary database of 3,055 persons not (yet) connected to the immigrants, plus two presentations made at the 2014 reunion – “Puritan’s Make A Village” by Hal Cutler and Robert Goodenough’s talk on Bob Goodenow. Purchasers will be notified when updates are released, which will be available at a nominal cost.

    Vol. 33 No. 3, August 2015

    • GFA Scholarship Recipient 2015/16 - Catherine 'Cady' Pendleton, daughter of GFA Life member H. David Pendleton (LtCol-Ret) and Barbara A. Pendleton, is the recipient of the GFA Scholarship. Her application essay and her thank you letter are printed, along with a photograph. Cady’s Goodenow line traces back to Capt Edmund.

    • GFA Reunion 2016 Planning - Reunion Coordinator John T. Goodnough outlines more details about the hotel chosen for the 2016 reunion in Flagstaff, AZ. Also printed: Preliminary Survey form to be completed and returned to John T. Goodnough by September 30, 2015.

    • Hattie Maria Delano Goodnow - Adapted from a Goodenow Family Honor Line submission at the 2014 GFA Reunion, by GFA member Barbara Bradle, this article tells about Hattie Maria Delano Goodnow (1861-1941), grandmother of Barbara Bradle and a descendant of Capt Edmund. With 3 photographs.

    • An 1844 Letter to L.S. Goodno, Esq. - The GFA Facebook page inspired Paul Benton to share a photograph and transcription of a letter he has acquired, dated November 10, 1844, written by H. Benton (a distant relative of his) to L.S. Goodno, Esq., of East Braintree, VT. Paul Benton also provided biographical information on L.S. (Luther Smith) Goodno, a descendant of the immigrant Thomas Goodenow. Paul Benton has also discovered he is descended from Capt Edmund Goodenow. With 3 photographs, counting one on the cover of the issue.

    • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. The excerpt in the August issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts, covers the division of land in Sudbury, Massachusetts Bay Colony, especially as pertaining to Thomas, Capt Edmund, and John Goodenow. Excerpts have also appeared in every issue starting with the May 2014 issue.

    • How the Raymond Highboy Came Back to Darien By Jack Gault, Executive Director, Darien (CT) Historical Society - A rare 18th century Highboy came up for auction, which at one time had been owned by the Raymonds, one of the most important Darien historic families. GFA member Tracy Goodnow, a former antique dealer and member of the Darien Historical Society, was instrumental in the Historical Society’s successful acquisition. With two photographs.

    • The Daughters of the American Revolution Mark 125 Years - The DAR was founded in 1890; the group convened in Washington, DC, in June 2015, for its 124th Continental Congress. Several of the organization’s accomplishments and projects are described, and links to the organization’s extensive free online resources are provided.

    Vol. 33 No. 2, May 2015

    • GFA Scholarship for 2015/16 Academic Year - Congratulations to Catherine Pendleton, recipient of the GFA Scholarship. Catherine is the daughter of GFA Life member Henry D. Pendleton (LtCol-Ret) and Barbara A. Pendleton.

    • Reunion 2016 Planning Progress Report - Reunion Coordinator John T. Goodnough outlines possible cultural, historic, scenic, and family-related sites in the vicinity of the 2016 reunion venue of Flagstaff, AZ.

    • New Goodenow-Related Genealogy Book Available, Compiled by Ross W. McCurdy, GFA Life Member - Interested readers may order Descendants of Francis Harris, United Empire Loyalist of Sandy Cove, Nova Scotia, a Work in Progress to the 7th Generation, a 270-page publication, for $14 + $2.69 postage. Francis Harris, Jr., married a Goodenow descendant.

    • Pursuing Genealogy in the Digital Age By Carol McWain Goodenough - The author, a GFA Life member and professional genealogist, compares her research practices when she first began researching her family tree 40 years ago with the revolutionary resources available through digital technology today.

    • Lamson & Goodnow Sells Shelburne Falls Factory - Lamson & Goodnow, the oldest cutlery firm in the country, was founded in 1837 in Shelburne Falls, MA, by two descendants of the immigrant Thomas Goodenow. In August 2014, the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, citing debts of over $3 million. As part of its reorganization plan, firm has sold its manufacturing complex and has announced plans to move to a location in Westfield, MA.

    • Mary Goodnow’s Gravesite Undergoes Improvement - Mary Goodnow, a granddaughter of the immigrant Thomas Goodenow, was killed in an Indian attack in 1707, in Northborough, MA. She was buried in a grave “near the place where she fell”, marked by a granite tombstone surrounded by a white wooden fence. That fence had fallen into disrepair, and an anonymous Northborough resident has donated funds to replace the fence.

    • Goodnos and the Oklahoma Land Run of 1893 - Adapted from a Goodenow Family Honor Line submission by GFA Life member Kirk Mittelstet at the 2014 GFA Reunion, this article tells about Edmund Hubble Goodno (1836-1916), a descendant of the immigrant Capt Edmund. Edmund H. made the 1893 Oklahoma Territory Land Run and homesteaded on the claim with one of his sons, Robert. Robert and his wife, AnnaBelle, had five children; their oldest child, George Robert Goodno, grew up to become the father of GFA Life member Mary Vignon Goodno Mittelstet and the grandfather of GFA Life member Kirk Mittelstet.

    • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. The excerpt in the May issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts, covers the origins and early days of Sudbury, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Excerpts also have appeared in every issue starting with the May 2014 issue.

    • Progress Report: Goodenows in the Civil War, by John T. Goodnough - “The War Over, the Goodenows Were Going Home”. This, the final installment, describes troop assignments following the surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on April 9, 1865. Brief profiles of three Goodenows serving in the military during that period are included: James H. Goodnow (Private in Co. I, 36th MA Infantry), George W. Goodnoe (Private in Co. H, 4th MI Cavalry), and Cornelius A. Goodnow (Private, and later Corporal, in Co. F, 8th IL Cavalry).

    • 2015 Return to Our Roots Trip Canceled - Regrettably, the trip to England, planned for July 25-August 1, 2015, has been canceled. However, the coordinators of the trip offer to share details on the itinerary which had been planned for anyone contemplating a visit to England on their own.

    • GFA Database Now Available in Digital Form - Act now to obtain your digital copy of the full GFA database! Available to GFA members only, it replaces and updates the previous database source, Goodenows Who Originated in Sudbury, Massachusetts, 1638 A.D., by Ted Banvard, which was published in 1994 and has sold out. The cost is $50 and the product contains the primary database of 65,936 listings, a secondary database of 3,055 persons not (yet) connected to the immigrants, plus two presentations made at the 2014 reunion – Hal Cutler’s “Puritan’s Make A Village” presentation and Robert Goodenough’s presentation on Bob Goodenow. Additionally, you’ll be notified when updates ar released, which will be available at a nominal cost. You have a choice of digital medium: (1) a USB flash drive, (2) a CD, or (3) a DVD. You must also select from two different genealogy database formats: (1) in Legacy Family Tree, or (2) as a GEDCOM file.

    Vol. 33 No. 1, February 2015

    • GFA Database Available for Purchase to Members Only, in Digital Format - For the first time ever, a digital copy of the full GFA database is available for purchase, by GFA members only, for $50. Click here for more information.

    • 2015 Return to Our Roots Trip - The GFA is planning a week-long “Return to Our Roots” trip to England in July 2015. See this for more information.

    • Reunion 2016 Planning Progress Report - Reunion Coordinator John T. Goodnough outlines possible cultural, historic, scenic, and family-related sites in the vicinity of the 2016 reunion venue of Flagstaff, AZ.

    • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England, By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. The excerpt in the February issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts, describes the Puritan beliefs to which the immigrants ascribed, and provide specific information on the Immigrant Goodenows. Excerpts also appeared in the May 2014, August 2014 and November 2014 issues.

    • Progress Report: Goodenows in the Civil War, by John T. Goodnough - This installment, subtitled “Goodenows in the Final Months of the Civil War”, provides an overview of the battles and troop movements leading up to the surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on April 9, 1865, with brief profiles of four Goodenows serving in the military during that time: Wallace Goodenough (Private in Co. D, 2nd RI Cavalry and later Co. I, 3rd RI Cavalry); Edward Edmond/Edmund Goodenow (Private in Co. G, 100th IL Infantry); Alfred Goodnoe (served in the U.S. Navy); and Henry Goodenough (Private in Co. C, 123rd OH Volunteer Infantry). Henry Goodenough was twice a taken Prisoner of War during his service.

    • Goodenow Descendants’ Doings in Rhode Island

      • Hirst Elected Hopkinton Town Moderator as Write-In Candidate - GFA Life member Scott Bill Hirst, lost his bid for a 7th term on the Hopkinton, RI, Town Council on November 4, 2014, but won the post of Town Moderator as a Write-In candidate. Hirst has 4 Goodenow lines.

      • Ruth B. Hirst Celebrate 89th Birthday - Mother of GFA Life member Scott Bill Hirst, Ruth B. Hirst turned 89 on September 23, 2014. A family meal at a restaurant marked the occasion. Included is a brief account of her activities with the Grange over the years. She has 4 Goodenow lines.

    • Isaac T. Goodnow Family’s Kansas Territory Correspondence, 1860 - An anti-slavery settler in the Kansas Territory, Isaac Tichenor Goodnow (1814-94) was a co-founder of the town of Manhattan, KS, as well as the University of Kansas. Letters from and to various Goodnow family members have been summarized on a website sponsored jointly by the Kansas State Historical Society and the University of Kansas ( This, the final installment, is comprised of summaries of nine letters, dating from February 29, 1860 to December 30, 1860.

    Vol. 32 No. 4, November 2014

    • GFA Database Available for Purchase to Members Only, in Digital Format - For the first time ever, a digital copy of the full GFA database is available for purchase, by GFA members only, for $50. Click here for more information.

    • 2015 Return to Our Roots Trip - The GFA is planning a week-long “Return to Our Roots” trip to England in July 2015. See this for more information.

    • Preliminary Planning for the 2016 GFA Reunion - Reunion Coordinator John T. Goodnough outlines possible cultural, historic, scenic, and family-related sites in the vicinity of the 2016 reunion venue of Flagstaff, AZ.

    • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. The excerpt in the November issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts, “The Goodenowe Family in Wiltshire and Dorsetshire”, covers some of the factors that prompted Thomas, John, and Capt. Edmund to emigrate to North America in 1638. Excerpts also appeared in the May 2014 and August 2014 issues.

    • GFA 2014 Reunion Photograph Album (Part 2) - 15 photographs showing activities, sites and GFA members during the Early Bird portion, the Main part of the reunion and the follow-on trip to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

    • E.E. Goodno Biography Published - Edgar Everett Goodno: A Florida Pioneer and his Ghost Town Remembered, by Matthew Robb, is a newly released 288-page book, the result of nearly three years of research into the life of a descendant of the immigrant Capt. Edmund Goodenow. Also known as Everett Edgar Goodno, he was born in 1858 in Wisconsin, lived in Missouri and Oklahoma before becoming a millionaire land developer in southwest Florida, There, on his 8,000-acre cattle ranch, he founded the town of Goodno (now a ghost town), and had dealings with Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone. The author sought and received help from the GFA and acknowledges that assistance, as well as help from one of the GFA’s Life members. The book (softcover) is now available from Amazon; a h ardcover version will be available in early 2015.

    • A Goodenow at Bastogne - GFA member Delphine Goodenow provided three photographs of Robert Paul Goodenow, her late husband, who served in the U.S. Army during World War II. She also provided a copy of the citation that his unit received from Belgium for its “unceasing and heroic efforts” at Bastogne, during the Battle of the Bulge. 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of the siege of Bastogne.

    • Goodenows in the Civil War: Progress Report by John T. Goodnough - GFA Life member John T. Goodnough’s project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65) continues. This installment includes descriptions of Civil War battles and troop movements during the autumn of 1864, and also provides profiles of: Henry Goodno (a Private in Co. E, 14th New Hampshire Infantry, who survived the war and died on 15 May 1899); Jerome Bonaparte Goodnough (a Private in Co. I, 8th Wisconsin Infantry, who was wounded twice during battles, but recovered and lived until 19 November 1893); and Abel Abraham Goodnough (a Private in Co. M, 11th New York Cavalry, who had been born in Canada and probably was not a descendant of the 1638 immigrants).

    • Isaac T. Goodnow Family’s Kansas Territory Correspondence, July-September 1859 - An anti-slavery settler in the Kansas Territory, Isaac Tichenor Goodnow (1814-94) was a co-founder of the town of Manhattan, KS, as well as the University of Kansas. Letters from and to various Goodnow family members have been summarized on a website sponsored jointly by the Kansas State Historical Society and the University of Kansas ( This installment includes the summaries of six letters written from July-September 1859.

    Vol. 32 No. 3, August 2014

    • Summary, Minutes of GFA Biennial Business Meeting - Submitted by GFA Recording Secretary Barbara Dohlen, includes officers’ reports, topics discussed and decisions reached. Also includes a Budget chart from the Treasurer, and 3 photographs.

    • GFA 2014Reunion: Making Michigan Memories! - Report from Reunion Coordinator on the 2014 GFA biennial reunion in Grand Rapids, MI, covering the Early Bird portion (July 14-16), the Main program (July 16-20), and the optional post-reunion trip to northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula (July 20-24). Includes 1 photograph.

    • GFA 2014 Reunion Photograph Album - 16 photographs showing activities, sites and GFA members during the Early Bird and Main part of the reunion.

    • Goodenough Discoveries in Wisconsin - Account of a June 2014 trip to West Bend, WI, made by Life members Kristin Peterson and her second cousin from South Africa, Stan Goodenough, in search of the burial site of their great-great grandfather, Darwin Erasmus Goodenough. They were successful in finding and visiting the gravesite; they then began a search for the 40-acre farm that had been owned by Darwin Erasmus. Not only did they find the original purchase agreement (signed in 1820 by President James K. Polk), Kristin and Stan found and visited the property’s location, which is still a farm. Includes 5 photographs.

    • The Mail-Bag - Letter from Kathy Sateren, GFA Life member and Database Manager, explaining why the Sateren family was unable to attend the recent reunion: a double tornado struck a town near their home in Nebraska and they are busy helping friends and neighbors devastated by the storm; they have also had to cope with hail and flooding that forced them to replant several fields of crops. She ends her letter by mentioning that she and her husband Dennis now have a grandson, born to their son Joe and daughter-in-law Lacey. Includes 1 photograph.

    • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants Of John Goodinowe Of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England, By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. The Introduction appeared in the May 2014 issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts. This second installment consists of text that follows the formal Introduction, with sections entitled “The Goodnough Name and Some Warnings for the Readers” and “Records at Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England.” With 1 photograph.

    • Goodenows in the Civil War: Progress Report, by John T. Goodnough - GFA Life member John T. Goodnough’s project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65) continues. This installment includes descriptions of Civil War battles and troop movements during late summer 1864, and also provides profiles of: Harvey Goodnough (a Private in Co. G, 98th New York Infantry, who died of illness on 28 September 1864); Eri Hitchcock Goodenough (a Private in Co. I, 33rd Iowa Infantry, who saw action mostly in Arkansas); and Joseph Lawton (a Private in Co. G, 46th Pennsylvania Infantry, who served under General William Sherman during the taking of Atlanta and the March to the Sea). With 3 photographs.

    • GFA Scholarship Begins Its Tenth Year - Includes eligibility requirements and application procedures.

    Vol. 32 No. 2, May 2014

    • It is Not Too Late to Register For The GFA Reunion - Join Us and "Make Michigan Memories in 2014!" The 2014 biennial reunion will occur in Grand Rapids, MI. Key dates are: Monday, July 14, optional “Early Bird” activities begin; Wednesday, July 16, Welcome Dinner; Saturday, July 19, Farewell Dinner; July 20-24, optional Add-on Tour of northern Michigan. A web page is available for those who wish to make their room reservations online.

    • The Goodenow Family Honor Line - The July reunion in Michigan will see the inauguration of an Honor Line. All members are invited to submit biographies of their special Goodenow relatives, for posting in the Hospitality Room at the reunion hotel and possible printing in Goodenows’ Ghosts.

    • Proposed Amendment to GFA By-Laws - The members present at the business meeting on July 19, 2012, during the GFA biennial reunion, unanimously approved a dues increase, effective immediately, to align with rising printing and postage costs. It was quickly recognized that this action would require a change in the Association’s By-Laws.

    • GFA Scholarship Recipient for 2014/15 Announced - Congratulations to Virginia Elizabeth ‘Ginna’ Fox who has been awarded the 2014/15 Scholarship.

    • Isaac T. Goodnow Family’s Kansas Territory Correspondence, 1858-1859 - An anti-slavery settler in the Kansas Territory, Isaac Tichenor Goodnow (1814-94) was a co-founder of the town of Manhattan, KS, as well as the University of Kansas. Letters from and to various Goodnow family members have been summarized on a website sponsored jointly by the Kansas State Historical Society and the University of Kansas ( This installment includes the summaries of eight letters from 1858 and fifteen letters from January -June 1859.

    • Going Dutch! "Welkom to Holland" By Carol McWain Goodenough - A visit to the town of Holland, MI, is scheduled for Friday, July 18, during the Reunion. A brief history of the town is presented, plus descriptions of some of the attractions the reunion attendees will be able to visit.

    • Goodinowe/Goodnough: The Descendants of John Goodinowe of Ebbesbourne Wake, Wiltshire, England By Mary Alice Burke Robinson - The author, a long-time GFA member, has spent over 20 years researching her branch of the family, culminating in a 248-page self-published volume, printed in May 2014. It is anticipated that several excerpts will appear in Goodenows’ Ghosts. This initial installment consists of her Introduction, summarizing her research sites, acknowledging especially helpful sources, and sharing what prompted her to devote so many years to researching her family.

    • Goodenows in the Civil War: Progress Report by John T. Goodnough - GFA Life member John T. Goodnough’s project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65) continues. This installment includes descriptions of Civil War battles and troop movements during the spring of 1864, and also provides profiles of: Selah A. Goodenough (served in Co. "D" 9th Michigan Infantry, which participated in Sherman’s "March through Georgia"); and Linus, Justin and Justus Elmer Morse, sons of Oliver Morse and Mahala Goodnow Morse (Linus joined the 89th New York Regiment and was killed at Antietam in 1862; Justin also joined the 89th New York Regiment and lived until 1889; Justus Elmer served in the 104th New York Infantry and died in 1897).

    Vol. 32 No. 1, February 2014

    Vol. 31 No. 4, November 2013

    Vol. 31 No. 3, August 2013

    Vol. 31 No. 2, May 2013

    Vol. 31 No. 1, February 2013

    Vol. 30 No. 4, November 2012

    Vol. 30 No. 3, August 2012

    Vol. 30 No. 2, May 2012

    • Reunion 2012 - A National Capital Experience - Summary of planned activities for the 2012 GFA biennial reunion, scheduled for July 16-18 (early Bird program) and July 18-22 (main program), in the Washington, DC area. With Pre-Registration Form and Survey Form.

    • GFA Officers’ Duties and Status of Current Office Holders - A chart lays out information for election of officers at the 2012 biennial reunion.

    • The Mystery Photograph - Life member Stan Goodenough, a citizen of South Africa, contributed a photograph which was published in the February 2012 issue of Ghosts, and challenged readers to guess what the photo was documenting. He reveals that it showed preparations for the opening of the Goodenough Computer Laboratory at Adams College in South Africa. Stan’s great-grandfather, Herbert Delos Goodenough, was headmaster of the school from 1862 to 1887. The new facility was made possible in part by donations from the Goodenow Family Association. Photographs showing the inauguration of the computer laboratory accompanied the story.

    • Arming the Union: The Lamson, Goodnow & Yale Company - Several articles have been printed in Ghosts over the years about the cutlery firm, Lamson & Goodnow, which was founded in 1837 in Shelburne Falls, MA. In the mid-1850s, the same Mr. Lamson and Mr. Goodnow joined with a third partner and entered the gun-making business. That firm, Lamson, Goodnow & Yale, played a critical role in outfitting the Union Army during the Civil War. Not only did L.G.&Y.’s skilled workers labor in round-the-clock shifts making rifles for Northern forces, the firm also produced machinery for other major gun-makers. With photographs.

    • Philetus (Leet) Goodnow - A profile of a colorful family member who was born in January 1840 and became a rancher in Oregon. Adapted from Early Klickitat Valley Days by Robert Ballou and Klickitat Heritage and submitted by GFA Life member Mary V. Mittelstet.

    • Civil War Ancestors Project - Progress Reports - GFA Life member John T. Goodnough’s project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65) is nearing its final phase. He continues to invite members to research their family records and submit their findings.

    Vol. 30 No. 1, February 2012

    • Reunion 2012 - A National Capital Experience - Summary of planned activities for the 2012 GFA biennial reunion, scheduled for July 16-18 (early Bird program) and July 18-22 (main program), in the Washington, DC area. With Pre-Registration Form and Survey Form.

    • A South Africa Travelogue - Part II - By Kristin Peterson with Stan Goodenough. Kristin’s account of her trip to South Africa in the summer of 2011, continued from the November 2011 issue. Kristin explains a link between the Goodenough missionaries and John Dube, Founder and First President of the African National Congress; details visits to family graves, Howick (town where Stan and Mary Goodenough live), Howick Falls, and Kruger National Park. With photographs.

    • Caroline Leonard Goodenough - Biographic sketch of the wife of Herbert Delos Goodenough; in 1881 the couple and their two sons headed to South Africa as missionaries, and spent many years there. With photograph.

    • The Mystery of the Missing Goodenow Descendants - GFA Life member Ross W. McCurdy outlines his decades-long search for descendants of 7 brothers and 2 sisters of his great-great-grandmother (descendant of the immigrant Thomas Goodenow). He’s recently had a breakthrough with regard to 3 of the missing siblings. He invites anyone interested in helping clear up this mystery to contact him.

    • A Happy Ending: Best Friends Forever - GFA Life member Barbara Dohlen details her successful quest to reunite an adult acquaintance with her girlhood best friend whose surname was "Goodnow".They had lost touch about the time the girls were in 7th grade, when one of the families moved. With photograph.

    • Civil War Ancestors Project - Progress Reports - GFA Life member John T. Goodnough’s project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65) is nearing its final phase. He continues to invite members to research their family records and submit their findings.

    • Need for English tutors not met - Excerpts from an article from The Daily Cardinal, a news publication at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The story, by Aarushi Agni, featured Hannah Goodno and her experience as a volunteer English tutor. Hannah was a recipient of the GFA Scholarship in 2009/10 and 2010/11. She is a junior at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, majoring in International Studies. Submitted by Dennis Goodno, father of Hannah. With photograph.

    • Directory of GFA Life and Family Members (200 total members, 2011-2012)

    Vol. 29 No. 4, November 2011

    • The Papers of John Elliot Goodenow - John Elliot Goodenow (1878-1973) was the grandson of the founder of the town of Maquoketa, IA (who was also named John Goodenow). His papers, housed in the Special Collections department of the University of Iowa Libraries in Iowa City, are described in scope; a brief time line of his life is also included.

    • Herbert Delos Goodenough - A biographical sketch of H.D. Goodenough (1852-1927), written by a friend and fellow student who met him at Oberlin College. H.D. not only obtained a degree from the College, he also met his wife, Caroline Leonard Goodenough, there. Upon graduation, the couple went to Africa as missionaries.

    • A South Africa Travelogue, Part I - By Kristin Peterson with Stan Goodenough. Kristin’s account of her visit to South Africa in the summer of 2011, detailing experiences in Pretoria (with Dudley Goodenough and family), Cape Town (sight-seeing Table Mountain and learning about the Amy Biehl Foundation), Grahamstown (with Amy Goodenough), and Durban (with good friends Ashley and Margie Dove). Ends with a brief preview of what will be covered in Part II.

    • The Amy Biehl Story - The story of an American graduate student who was killed by a mob in a township near Cape Town in 1993, during the waning days of Apartheid in South Africa. Her parents went on to establish the non-profit Amy Biehl Foundation which serves youths in the townships. The organization’s goals are to develop and empower youth to address the root causes of violence; two of Amy’s killers now work for the Foundation.

    • W.L. Goodnow and his Department Store Empire - Walter Lucius Goodnow (1851-1914) founded W.L. Goodnow & Co. in 1873 in Jaffrey, NH. He partnered with his three brothers and others to eventually establish a chain of 19 stores in four New England states (as of 1924). The stores boasted factory prices and high quality, and details of the stores’ modes of operation and reminiscences of locals who shopped there are also included. The chain’s locations have all closed, but in several towns the buildings have been adapted for new purposes, legacies of W.L. Goodnow’s department store empire.

    • Reunion 2012 - Washington DC and Vicinity - Preliminary plans for the July 15-22, 2012 biennial GFA reunion are outlined. Headquarters for the reunion in 2012 will be at the Hilton Hotel Washington DC North/Gaithersburg, a few miles north of Washington, DC. Information to enable members to reserve hotel rooms and an Advance Interest Form are also included.

    • GFA Scholarship Initial Deadline Nears - Chair of the Scholarship Oversight Committee reiterates the eligibility criteria for the 2012/13 academic year scholarship, and reminds prospective applicants that the deadline for requesting application materials is December 20, 2011.

    • Progress Report - Goodenows in the Civil War - GFA member John T. Goodnough reports on his progress in his project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65); he also reminds members that he is still accepting information for his publication. This update includes a profile of Elias Goodenow, a farmer from Maine who joined the Union Army and was killed in action in June 1864. Census data also reveals information about his wife and eight children.

    • GFA Armed Services Roll Call - Marine LCPL Gabriel T. Green, grandson of members Jan and Bill Groenier, now stationed in Okinawa. Members are urged to submit relevant information and photographs of any family members serving in the military, for recognition.

    Vol. 29 No. 3, August 2011

    • Plans Progressing for the 2012 Reunion 2012, Washington, DC - Early preparations for the July 15-22, 2012 biennial GFA reunion are outlined. Several field trip sites are listed, including to the grave of a Goodenow in the National Cemetery at Fredericksburg, VA. The headquarters for the reunion in 2012 will be at the Hilton Hotel Washington DC North/Gaithersburg, a few miles north of Washington, DC.

    • Serendipity = Dropping in on a Goodenough Reunion in Pennsylvania, By Christine Banvard-Fox - The current GFA president tells how a visit she had arranged with a GFA charter member and her brother (Fran and Dennis Goodenough) in Pennsylvania unexpectedly coincided with a planned reunion of that branch of the family. She found herself among 60-70 relatives and shared some of the tid-bits she learned during a serendipitous and enjoyable afternoon.

    • Sudbury, Massachusetts, Reflects Patriotic ZIP; Revolutionary War re-enactment represents Spirit of 1776 - An article taken from a weekend newspaper supplement about the town of Sudbury and how it lives up to the "patriotic" zip code of 01776. The immigrant Goodenows settled there in 1638; over 100 years later; the village sent more volunteer militia to the battle of Lexington and Concord than any other community. Each April 19, the town honors its contribution to the fight for independence from Great Britain with a re-enactment of the Colonial militia marching the 12 miles to Concord.

    • John Goodnow, Revolutionary War Veteran - A descendant of Capt. Edmund Goodnow, John Goodnow was born in 1762 in Sudbury, MA. He is listed in 1862 as one of the 12 men on the pension rolls still surviving from the Revolutionary War. When he died in 1863, he was 102 years old.

    • The Landmark Goodenow Building of Kansas City - Constructed in 1929 by the Goodenow Textile Company of Kansas City, MO, the building is now being purposed for use by The Whole Person, a non-profit that works with the disabled. The article includes a brief history of the two brothers who founded the company in 1909, explanations of the production methods and products of the company, and the success which led to the construction of the building, which is now listed on the Historic Register.

    • Frank Johnson Goodnow and ‘His’ Award - During his career, Frank J. Goodnow (1859-1939) served as a law professor at Columbia University, a pioneering scholar in the field of Political Science, a constitutional advisor in China, and as President of the Johns Hopkins University. He was principal founder and first president of the American Political Science Association (APSA) in the first decade of the 20th century. In 1996, the APSA created and named its Award for Distinguished Service after Frank Johnson Goodnow, citing him as an "exemplar of public service and volunteerism". Goodnow’s papers are housed at the Johns Hopkins University.

    • Update on the Civil War Project - GFA member John T. Goodnough reports on his progress in his project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65); he also reminds members that he is still accepting information for his publication. This update includes brief profiles of two Union Army recruits; neither survived the conflict, one perishing from ill health, the other in battle.

    • Tid-Bits - Member George Martel supplied a photograph of his mother, Eddith Goodnow, as a child and a Mining Company Stock Certificate that belonged to his grandfather, Samuel Goodnow.

    • Snapshot: A Generation of Southern Hemisphere Goodenoughs - Sent by Life member Stan Goodenough, the 2008 photograph shows Stan and his three brothers and one sister, who live in South Africa (the four brothers) and Australia (the sister).

    Vol. 29 No. 2, May 2011

    • Reunion Update, Preliminary Plans for Washington, DC, 2012 - Early preparations for the July 15-22, 2012 biennial GFA reunion are outlined. Early Bird activities will begin on July 16; the main program runs from July 18-22. Headquarters for the reunion in 2012 will be at a Hilton Hotel a few miles north of Washington, DC.

    • South Africa Trip - Due to low numbers, the tour proposed for August 2011 is canceled.

    • GFA Scholarship Committee Announces 2011/12 Recipient - The Scholarship Selection Committee announced that Olivia Caputo has been selected to receive the Association’s college scholarship. Her winning essay is also printed. The scholarship recipient for 2010/11, Christine Baxter, has also qualified for a second year of financial support.

    • A Goodenough’s Most Excellent Adventure - Joy-Anne Goodenough, the daughter of John Alden Goodenough, a GFA member who is a citizen and resident of South Africa, has won a competition to travel to Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa sites and to blog about her experiences. Excerpts from Joy-Anne’s blog are also included, covering events on February 13, 21 and 22, 2011.

    • A Trio of Edward Augustuses (Augusti?) - Three male descendants of Thomas Goodenow who were born between 1806 and 1825 were given the name Edward Augustus. Though information on all of them has appeared in Ghosts over the years, this article brings together information on all three together, along with selected photographs. Edward Augustus Selfridge Goodenow (1806-1877) was born in Hubbardston, MA, but little else is known about him. Edward Augustus Goodnow (1810-1906), born in Princeton, MA, gained fame as a "Preeminent Financier and Philanthropist", notably supporting higher educational institutions. Edward Augustus Goodnough (1825-1890) was born in Campton, NH, and grew up to become an Episcopal priest and missionary to the Oneida Indians in Wisconsin.

    • Daniel H. Goodnow Family Letters - Transcriptions of two letters included in the collection of letters owned by collage artist Valerie Fanarjian; a letter dated Oct. 11, 1908, is addressed to Daniel H. from a brother who signs only HC Goodnow; the other letter, dated March 6, 1921, is from Daniel H. to his wife, Maude.

    • A Goodnow Wedding Dress - In 1997 the Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk, ME, displayed a dress that was worn by Mary B. Hunt at her wedding to John B. Goodnow in Sudbury, MA, ca. 1865.

    • Update on the Civil War Project - GFA member John T. Goodnough reports on his progress in his project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65); he also reminds members that he is still accepting information for his publication. This update includes brief profiles of two Union Army recruits; neither survived the conflict, one perishing from ill health, the other in battle.

    • Tid-Bits - A photograph submitted by Life member Kathy Jezek of a covered bridge in Vermont named the Gorham/Goodnough Covered Bridge.

    • A New Initiative To Support GFA Members or Their Relatives Serving in the Military - A reminder that Goodenows’ Ghosts is inaugurating a listing of those serving in the military, with photographs. Members are requested to submit relevant information and photographs.

    Vol. 29 No. 1, February 2011

    • A New Initiative To Support GFA Members Serving in the Military - Beginning with the May 2011 issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts, a listing of family members serving in the military, with photographs, will be printed in each issue. Members are requested to submit relevant information and photographs.

    • A Winter Visit to Sudbury - A photograph taken by GFA Live member Hal Cutler showing GFA member Nat Collins and his daughter Maya visiting the tomb of John Goodnow in Sudbury, MA, with over a foot of snow covering the ground.

    • Announcing 16-Day Tour to South Africa in August 2011 - GFA Life member Stan Goodenough, a citizen of South Africa and professional travel agent, is organizing a tour to include visits to Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Drakensberg, Johannesburg, and Kruger National Park. He presents more details and estimated costs, and invites members and friends to join this unique travel opportunity.

    • Florence Laura Goodenough - Overview of the life and career of Florence Laura Goodenough (1886-1959), a pioneer in the field of psychology and the study of gifted children. She is best known for developing the “Draw-A-Man” test (also known as the Goodenough Scale) to measure non-verbal IQ in preschool children. She also improved existing intelligence tests, advocated measuring intelligence over one’s total life span, and documented the effects of environment on intelligence scores. With photograph.

    • Hirst Elected to Town Council in Hopkinton, RI - Announcement of winning candidacy of Scott Bill Hirst, GFA Life member, to the Hopkinton, RI, Town Council. Sworn in on November 22, 2010, this is Hirst’s fifth 2-year term on the Town Council, having previously served from 1996-2004. Also includes a summary of Hirst’s experiences in Washington, DC, at the February 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference. Hirst has four Goodenow lines. With photograph.

    • Mail-Bag - Excerpts from the 2010 holiday letter sent by GFA members David G. and Lila Bush. A highlight of the year was an Honor Flight to Washington, DC, made by David G. Bush, a World War II veteran. Other memorable events in 2010 included their granddaughter’s high school graduation and the celebration of their 65th wedding anniversary.

    • Project Status Report: Goodenows in the Civil War - GFA member John T. Goodnough’s project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65) is nearing its final phase. He continues to urge members to research their family records and submit relevant information to him for publication in 2011.

    • Ruth Carolyn Bill Hirst - Short biography of the mother of Scott Bill Hirst. She was born in 1925 in North Stonington, CT, the youngest of five children and the only daughter. She married in 1950 and has two sons. She has four lines that trace back to a daughter of the immigrant Capt. Edmund Goodenow. With photograph.

    • Thomas Barnes & Sons - Narratives on the lives of the husband of Abigail Goodenow (daughter of Thomas the immigrant) and two of their sons, as well as historical facts about the towns of Marlboro and Brookfield, MA. Thomas Barnes, Sr., (b. 1636 in England; d. 1679) sailed to America in 1656; in the early 1660s he purchased land in the newly-formed town of Marlboro, MA and was active in civic affairs. Thomas Barnes, Jr., oldest son of Thomas and Abigail, was born in 1662 and died in 1734; he became a leading citizen of Brookfield, MA. John Barnes (1666-1752) served as a deacon in the First Church in Marlboro, MA.

    • Tid-Bits - Are You As Smart As A High Schooler? Interpretive Questions Based on Maps & Text, from American History A Survey, a high school textbook by Alan Brinkley, used in an Advanced Placement U.S. History course. Four questions are posed concerning a map of Sudbury, MA, and the land holdings of John Goodnow as shown on the map.

    Vol. 28 No. 4, November 2010

    • Member Ideas Solicited for 2012 Reunion - The GFA’s next biennial reunion will occur in the mid-Atlantic, centered between Washington, DC and Frederick, MD. This locale will permit us to incorporate some Civil War sesquicentennial activities in the reunion. John T. Goodnough, Reunion Coordinator, presents an outline of possible early bird and meeting activities. He also requests that members submit ideas.

    • GFA Tour to South Africa, August 2011 - GFA Life member Stan Goodenough, a citizen of South Africa and professional travel agent, is organizing a tour to include visits to Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Drakensberg, Johannesburg, and Kruger National Park. He presents more details and estimated costs, and invites members and friends to join this unique travel opportunity.

    • A Few More Salt Lake City Reunion Photographs - Selection of five photographs documenting several sight-seeing venues in and near Salt Lake City.

    • A True Daughter of Pioneers - Reprint of 1976 newspaper article entitled Mrs. Kennedy Helped Deliver 100 Babies in One Year. Irean/Irene Leila Goodenow was born in Nebraska in 1875 to Melville and Minetta Goodenow, the first white child born in her community. She married Lewis N. Kennedy in 1897, and gave birth to six children. The article describes her life and accomplishments as a practical nurse. Irean/Irene died in 1944.

    • Keo Kennedy Kern - Brief story on Keo Kennedy Kern, one of the offspring of Lewis N. and Irean/Irene L. Goodenow Kennedy, who celebrated her 100th birthday in June 2006, and died in November 2008.

    • Forrest R. Goodenough - Pianist, Composer, Educator, by Christine Banvard-Fox - Biographical sketch of Forrest Goodenough (1918-2004) who, despite losing his eyesight at age 5, became a successful pianist, composer and music educator. He and his second wife, Dorothy Goodenough, taught music for 25 years (1952-1977) at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. In 2004, in their honor, the auditorium there was renamed the Goodenough Performance Hall. Many of Forrest’s orchestral and piano pieces won recognition and awards.

    • Orville Goodenough, Sr. & Jr. - GFA Life Member Donna Peterson reports on a barn tour in Illinois where she met Orville Goodenough, Jr., and purchased a book, House by the Side of the Road, by Mrs. L.A. Abbott. This book includes a 1937 photograph of Orville Goodenough, Sr., as a boy of 7; Orville Goodenough, Jr., wrote the Foreword to this book, which is reprinted.

    • Civil War Project Update - GFA member John T. Goodnough’s project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65) is nearing its final phase. He continues to urge members to research their family records and submit relevant information to him for publication in 2011.

    Vol. 28 No. 3, August 2010

    • 2010 Reunion Recap - The GFA’s 12th biennial reunion occurred in Salt Lake City from July 14-18, 2010. This overview, submitted by Reunion Coordinators Shawn and Virginia Doyle, summarizes the week’s events. It begins with the Early Bird activities (July 12-14), and then describes highlights from the formal program, including the Welcome Dinner (July 14), business meeting, a Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert, a field trip, Farewell Dinner (July 16) and final breakfast (July 17).

    • Summary of General Meeting Minutes - Compiled by the Kristin Peterson, Recording Secretary, this report condenses 12 pages of GFA business meeting minutes to 2 pages. It covers reports presented, topics discussed, and decisions made during the reunion’s business meetings.

    • 2010 Salt Lake City Reunion Photo Album - Selection of 11 photographs documenting activities and attendees at the week-long Reunion.

    • The Family of Brigham Young - A reprint of an article written by GFA Life member Mary Vignon Mittelstet, which originally appeared in the November 2002 issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts. In honor of the reunion in Salt Lake City, it seemed appropriate to reprint this informative article. It briefly recounts Young’s life and his role as a leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and details his marriages and offspring. Of 27 wives, only 6 outlived him; of 60 children, only 11 survived him.

    • Library Seeks Images of Rare Goodnow Artifact - Wooden Canteen Carried by Luther Goodnow in the War of 1812. - A notice from the curator from the Forbush Memorial Library (Westminster, MA) seeking help from GFA members. A War of 1812 wooden canteen owned by Luther Goodnow was given by his grandson to the Forbush Library in 1911. It is now missing and the Library is searching for any images (paintings, drawings, photographs) showing the canteen, to aid in its recovery.

    • GFA Scholarship Committee Begins Its Fifth Year - High school seniors intending to continue their education at a 2-year or 4-year college are invited to apply for scholarship support. The article covers the eligibility criteria and application process and deadlines. Scholarship amounts are $1,500 (for students attending a 4-year school) or $750 (for students attending a 2-year school).

    • Civil War Project Update - GFA member John T. Goodnough’s project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65) is nearing its final phase. He provides a chart showing the number of Goodenow soldiers from each state, including two states which had joined the Confederacy. He continues to urge members to research their family records and submit relevant information to him for publication in 2011.

    • GFA Tour to South Africa - July/August 2011 - Announcement of a tour to South Africa being planned by one of our South African members, Stan Goodenough. The itinerary will include Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, and Kruger National Park.

    Vol. 28 No. 2, May 2010

    • Reunion Update - Plans for Salt Lake City 2010 - The registration deadline has been extended to June 1. Members are invited to attend the July 14-18, 2010, biennial reunion in Salt Lake City, UT. A Registration Form appears on the back cover.

    • GFA Scholarship Committee Announces 2010/11 Recipient - The Scholarship Selection Committee announced that Christine Baxter has been selected to receive the Association’s college scholarship. Her winning essay is also printed.

    • A Family Affair - An article about GFA Life member Mary Vignon Mittelstet and a project she has finished after 38 years of work. Using local newspapers dating from 1901-2008 in Aline, OK, Mittelstet and several family members collected, clipped, copied, organized and indexed birth and marriage announcements, obituaries, and information on military personnel. The project has been accepted into Family Search, a genealogy research center in Salt Lake City, and has also been donated to two local libraries.

    • The Rev. Smith Bartlett Goodenow - Biographical information on S.B. Goodenow (May 16, 1817-March 26, 1897). After graduating from Bowdoin College in 1838, he began working as a teacher. He became the superintendent of schools in Bath, ME, when the graded system was first established. He took up the study of theology and became a preacher in the Congregational denomination, serving in numerous locales in New England, New Jersey, Illinois and Iowa. Rev. Goodenow was also the author of many books and articles. He married twice and was the father of 8 children.

    • Time Travelers - Excerpts from an article sent in by GFA Life member Carol McWain Goodenougth, profiling Goodenough Genealogical Service (GGS), a genealogical research firm that she has started with a partner. The article summarizes the backgrounds of the partners and includes some pointers and online resources. An excerpt from an e-mail newsletter produced by the GGS is also included.

    • Update on the Civil War Project - GFA member John T. Goodnough reports on his progress in his project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65). He solicits help on a sampling of five soldiers who served in Connecticut regiments, and also urges members to research their family records and submit relevant information to him for publication in 2011.

    • This Guy’s Recycling is for the Birds - Brief article about Dick Goodnough of Vestal, NY, who builds birdhouses in a rustic style, utilizing materials that otherwise would be discarded. The article was submitted by member John T. Goodnough, who is the brother of Dick Goodnough.

    • Goodnoe’s Is Back! - Account of the latest chapter in the story of the Goodnoe Dairy Farm Family Restaurant of Newtown, PA, which closed down in 2006 when its proprietor, Raymond Skip Goodnoe, retired. Now one of Skip’s sons has revived one part of the business the ice cream shop, which opened in Newtown, PA, in July 2009.

    • Baldridge Photograph Collection

    • An Author with a Goodenow Link - Excerpts from an article on the historical book, The Pawcatuck River Navy, by Dwight C. Brown, Jr., who is married to a Goodenow descendant. The article was submitted by GFA Life member Scott Bill Hirst.

    Vol. 28 No. 1, February 2010

    • Reunion Update - Plans for Salt Lake City 2010 - Preliminary plans for the July 14-18, 2010 biennial reunion in Salt Lake City, UT, submitted by the Reunion Coordinators, Virginia and Shawn Doyle. A Pre-Registration Form (deadline of May 1) is also included.

    • The Joy of Finding a New Cousin by Alice F. Mitchell - A description of the events that led to connecting with a long-lost cousin (Doris Pearl Goodnow, resident of Las Vegas, NV) and their memorable meeting in October 2009. This account and 2 photographs were submitted by Alice F. Mitchell, GFA member.

    • Family Bibles Preserve Momentous Moments - Article on a historic preservation project carried out by a chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Tennessee, to photograph, transcribe and compile on DVDs, the family history information recorded in heirloom family Bibles. Excerpted from an article which ran in the Knoxville News-Sentinel, submitted by GFA member Jan Groenier.

    • A Goodnow Family Bible - Photographs and transcriptions of family births, marriages, and deaths discovered by GFA member Cynthia Herrick in an old family Bible that she inherited.

    • The Goodnows of New Salem, MA - Adapted from information submitted by GFA member George E. Martel, this article traces his ancestors and other Goodnow family members who lived in New Salem, MA. Among those profiled are the only set of triplets ever born in New Salem, Mary, Maria and Mahala Goodnow (b. 1845). Also included in the article is a description of the town, based on a visit made by the author in 1998.

    • Project Update: Goodenows in the Civil War - John T. Goodnough, former GFA President, reports significant progress in his project to chronicle family members who served in any capacity during the American Civil War (1861-65). He reminds members to research their family records and submit relevant information to him for publication in 2011.

    • A Complete Guide to Lineages - The formats of the Brief Lineages and Complete Lineage Lists that appear in every issue of the newsletter are illustrated and explained. This article, by GFA Information Manager Bill Groenier, is reprinted (with minor edits) from the August 2000 issue of Goodenows’ Ghosts.

    • Directory of GFA Life and Family Members - The member roster for 2009, plus new members for 2010 (as of January 31, 2010). Also featured is a map of the continental U.S. with the number of members in each state shown.

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