755. Martha Banister Bannister
See attached sources.
Gravestone: He was a patriot soldier in King George's war, in
the French and Indian War, and the war for American
Independence". Probably the third settler of the township of
Marlboro, NH. A very influential man held many offices. On
the committee for a burial ground. Moved to NH in 1765 with
his wife and 4 or 5 children to Monadnock #5. In the fall of
1773 his cornfield was savagely ravaged by bears. Being
provoked at the loss of his corn Daniel determined on the
bears' destruction. He was an experienced hunter, but would
never use a trap, so one moonlight night he put on his
overcoat, took his gun and went into the woods to watch for his
game. He walked cautiously for awhile, when feeling chilly he
crept under a log and lay to listen. Soon he heard a little
noise near and thinking he could ascertain the cause he very
carefully raised his head to look over the log. Just at that
moment a bear placed both paws upon the opposite side of the
log and was peering over to see what was behind it. On seeing
the monstrous head Goodenough aimed his gun and fired! No
sooner had he discharged his gun, knowing the peril of
encountering a wounded bear he jumped upon his feet and fled
for home. Not daring to go back that night to learn the result
of his shot, he waited until morning and then in the company of
his neighbors he returned to the scene and at a little distance
from the log found the lifeless body of the bear!Brinsmead, Worcester Co Town Records (1678-1891),
Marlboro MA, Vol B 63, Berlin MA, microfilm item 2,
Marlboro, MA Town Records (1680-1891), [:UND]
271. Thomas Bannister
Built a house in 1748 then sold it to Solomon Richardson before
1756. It was moved from Brookfield to Sturbridge Village, where
it is now the Solomon Richardson house and parsonage.
788. Thomas Bannister
Bible page sent in with application for Rev War pension by
widow. Pownal VR, Rev Pension #BLWT.12381-160-55;w.8118,
marriage record, will, Mayflower descendants Vol I
See attached sources.
See attached sources.
795. Simeon Simon Olmsted
See attached sources.
796. Sgt. Timothy Olmsted
of Woodbridge's Rgt, stationed at Cambridge. Battle of Bunker
Hill. Aug at Ticonderoga and Fort Edward as Corp in Mamilton's
Co of Brewer's Rgt. Feb 1777 at Brookfield in 1st Co of Matross
(Artillery), enlisted for 3 yrs Capt Noah Nichol's Co Gen
Knox's Artillery, in which commissioned 2nd Lt 11 Jun 1778. Feb
1779 command at Brookfield guarding military stores. Resigned
soon after.
797. Joseph Olmsted
See attached sources.
277. Sarah Smith
See attached sources.
285. Ebenezer Bush
deForest, James Cox Brady & His Ancestry, pp 107
- 113, James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary of the
First Settlers of NE, [:UND] p 317.
Lucius Boltwood, History & Genealogy of the Family of
Thomas Noble, pp 507,8, deForest, James Cox
Brady & His Ancestry, [:UND] pp 344,5.
See attached sources.
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