Goodenows of Sudbury, Massachussetts 1638


4. Thomas A Goodyknow Goodynow Goodenow Goodnow

||||Douglas Richardson, English Origins of the Goodenow
Family, Transcript of Thomas Goodynow's
nuncupative will: [:BOLD]

That upon the twentieth day of December in the years of or lord
god 1617 according to the computacon of the Church of England
Thomas Goodynow of Donhed St. Andrew in the County of Wilts,
and Diocese of Sarum being sick in body but of sound and
perfect memory did by word of mouth declare his last will
noncupative as followeth, vizt, Imprimis he did give and
bequeath unto his three youngest children to witt Dorothy
Edmund and Ursula to each of them x Lb a peece to bee paid unto
them at the age of twenty years Item he gave and bequeathed
unto his sonne Simon two sheep Item hee gave unto his sonnes
Nathaniell and Thomas to each of them one heifer bullock a
peece to bee delivered unto them Item he gave and bequeathed
unto his sons Ralph and John to each of them one heifer bullock
and two sheep a peece to bee delivered unto them at the
purification of or blessed lady the Virgin Mary next come two
yeares, The residue of his goods not given nor bequeathed hee
gave unto Ursula his wife whom hee made his whole and sole
executrix and appointed Joseph Bower and Robert Button his
overseers to see this his will perfourmed witnesses to the ...
John Button minister Ralph Goodynow. Proved the 19th day of
March 1617/18. "Inventory of the Estate of Thomas Goodynow 1617
(1618) Imprimus 20 kinder (young) beasts at Item five horse
beasts at Itm the cart and plow tacking Itm the sheep
at Itm three piggs at Itm the corne in the barn
Itm the hay and (the fodder) Itm the xede (seed)
Itm the corne growing upon the ground Itm the wood
Itm goods at Ebestsborne Itm butter and cheese
Itm the bacon Itm the pewter and brass Itm the tinker
(?) vessel Itm the iron stuffe (stove) Itm the bedding and
implements that belong Itm two table bords and two there
unto _____ one chest one cubbard (cupboard) and three stools
Itm his wearing apparel Itm all the tools of husbandry Itm
knives forks and spoons Itm the poultry Total

Thomas was a husbandman.

Ursula Hayne Fayme Hayme

Will of USSILAH (URSULA) GOODENOWE of Donhead St. Andrew, 1634
"In the Name of God Amen I Ussilah GOODENOWE of Dunheade St.
Andrews in the County of Wilts widow being sick in body, yet
well in mind, of sound and perfect memory thank be given to
Almighty God for the same, do make constitute and ordain this
my last Will and Testament in good manner as followeth: First
and principally I commend my soul into the hands of God and my
body to the ground in sure and certain hope of resurrection to
Eternal Life through the satisfaction, merits and mediation of
Jesus Christ the son of God, the Second Person in the Eternal
and most glorious Trinity, who taking upon him the nature of
man then suffered death on the cross for my sins and rose again
from the dead for my Justification into life eternal. And for
those temporal goods the blessings that God in mercy hath
bestowed on me in this life, I give and bestow them in His
glory in manner as followeth. First i give and bequeath to
Ralph GOODENOWE my eldest son one great chest and nine pounds
of current English money. Item: I give and bequeath to John
GOODENOWE my second son one cupboard and one coffer and nine
pounds of Current English money. Item; I given and bequeath to
Simon GOODENOWE my Third son one bushel of wheat, one bushel of
rye, my second best barrel and twenty pounds of like current
English money. Item; I give and bequeath to Nathaniel
GOODENOWE my fourth son my great pan and nine pounds of current
English money. Item; I give and bequeath to Thomas GOODENOWE my
fifth son a little brewing kettle and eighteen pounds of like
current English money. Item; I give and bequeath to Ussilah
(Ursula) GOODENOWE my eldest daughter twenty and eight pounds
of like current English money. Item; I give and bequeath to
Dorothy GOODENOWE my youngest daughter my best coverlet
(bedspread), one pair of blankets, one bolster, one pillow, one
coffer, and eighteen pounds of like current English money.
Item; I give and bequeath to my said daughters Ussilah and
Dorothy equally to be divided between them all my wearing
apparel, two pewter platters and all my linen except three pair
of the coarser sheets, which sheets I give and bequeath to my
son Edmund GOODENOWE. Item; I give and bequeath to the parish
church of Donhead St. Andrew aforesaid five shillings. Item; I
give and bequeath to the poor of the said parish five
shillings. Item; I give and bequeath all the rest of my goods
cattel and chattels whatsoever to my son Edmund whom I also
make executor of this my last Will and Testament to pay the
Legacies aforementioned within two years after my death; Lastly
I do make my cousin Walter FAYME of Semley and Thomas FAYME of
Donhead St. Mary both in the county of Wilts aforesaid the
overseers of this my last will and Testament. In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 18th day of
February in the year of Our Saviour 1633/34, according to the
computation of the Church of England. Signed and sealed in the
presence of Ussilah GOODENOWE her mark X Joh FAREWICKE, clerk,
Richard CLAPCOTT Probate granted 22 May 1634

7. Ursula Goodnow

Will dated 19 April 1653 mentions sister Dorothy Ruddock,
brothers Edmund, John, Thomas, nephew John, son of Edmund,
nephew Samuel, son of Thomas, and the children of a daughter of

John Ruddick Ruddock

See attached sources.

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