Goodenows of Sudbury, Massachussetts 1638


202. Daniel Jones


2Capt Josiah Jones Jr.

3Karen Hanson Sullivan ,.

4Mary Ella Jones Parrott.

Mary Worthington


2Capt Josiah Jones Jr.

3Karen Hanson Sullivan.

566. Mary Jones

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

567. Amasa Jones

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

568. Mary Jones

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

569. Abigail Jones

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

570. Anna Jones

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

Nun Clark

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

571. Elizabeth Jones

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

203. Abigail Jones


2Capt Josiah Jones Jr.

3Karen Hanson Sullivan.

Col Ephraim Williams


2Capt Josiah Jones Jr.

3Karen Hanson Sullivan.

4Karen Hanson Sullivan.

5Karen Hanson Sullivan.

572. Abigail Williams

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

573. Josiah Williams

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

574. Judith Williams

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

575. Elizabeth Williams

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

576. Elijah Williams

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

205. William Jones

1Marion Louise Martin.

2between MA & Nova Scotia.

Sarah Locke

1Marion Louise Martin.

2Marion Louise Martin.

3Marion Louise Martin.

577. Sarah Jones


2William Jones.

Joseph Foster


2William Jones.

578. William Jones Jr


2William Jones.

Sarah Stone


2William Jones.

579. Abigail Jones


2John Foskett Fosgett.

John Foskett Fosgett

1Baptist, Rev War.

2Marion Louise Martin.

580. Enos Jones


2William Jones.

3Mary Ella Jones Parrott.

Mary Whitmore


2William Jones.

581. Hannah Jones


2William Jones.

3Mary Ella Jones Parrott.

Benjamin Barrett

1William Jones.

582. Josiah Jones

1William Jones.

Susanna Bennett


2William Jones.

3William Jones.

583. Isaac Jones

1William Jones.

2age 20.

3Marion Louise Martin.

584. Silence Jones


2William Jones.

Thaddeus Smith


2William Jones.

3William Jones.

206. Elisha Jones


2Capt Josiah Jones Jr.

3or Watertown.

Mary Allen

1Marion Louise Martin.

585. Mary Jones

1Gary Boyd Roberts, Notable Kin, NEHGS NEXUS, Vol VI, Nos 3&4.

Asa Dunbar

1Gary Boyd Roberts, Notable Kin, NEHGS NEXUS, Vol VI, Nos 3&4.

2Gary Boyd Roberts, Notable Kin.

3Gary Boyd Roberts, Notable Kin.

207. John Weeks

1Marlborough VR p 398.

Dinah Keyes

1Robert Weston Goodnow.

2Marlborough VR p 120.

3Brownlee et al Genealogy.

587. Dinah Weeks

1Brownlee et al Genealogy.

Nathan Goodell Jr

1Brownlee et al Genealogy.

588. Susannah Weeks

1Marlborough VR p 192.

2Marlborough VR p 387.

Benjamin Rice

1Marlborough VR p 300.

2Marlborough VR p 153.

3Marlborough VR p 384.

208. David Goodenow Goodnow Goodenough

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, Series: Vol 27 pp 21-24, Lippett, Goodnough Family, Bible Record.

3Edward John Raser, Genealogies of New Jersey Families, Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, pp. 565-568.

4Marlborough VR p 82 son of Samuel (Jr C.R.) and Sarah.

5Boylston VR p 113.

Dinah Fay

1O P Fay, The Fay Genealogy, 1898, Force,.

2O P Fay, The Fay Genealogy.

3Marlborough VR p 257.

4Westborough VR p 39.

5Jerome Phillip Goodenough, Goodenough Family Records: WI Goodenough Pioneer, Series: with Mabel & May, Goodenough, 1964, 76y 5m 17d, Unknown repository, Film 1033985-S12.

6Marlborough VR p 69.

589. Samuel Goodenow Goodenough Goodnough

1The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, Series: Vol 27 pp 21-24, Lippett, Goodnough Family, Bible Record.

2Edward John Raser, Genealogies of New Jersey Families, Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, pp. 565-568.

3Westborough VR p 54 son of David and Dinah C.R. Marl VR p 82 Goodeno.

4Edward John Raser, Genealogies of New Jersey Families, Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, pp. 565-568.

5Mabel Mae May Goodenough.

6Edward John Raser, Genealogies of New Jersey Families, Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, pp. 565-568.


1Marlboro VR CRI.

Catherine Lippett

1Donald Robert Goodenough.

2Priscilla Ann Stone.

3Edward John Raser, Genealogies of New Jersey Families, Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, pp. 565-568.

466y 2m, 20d.

5Edward John Raser, Genealogies of New Jersey Families, Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, pp. 565-568.

6Ch Records.

590. Daniel Goodenow

1Munsell, American Ancestry-Whose Ancestors settled in the US < 1776, 1891.

2Westborough VR p 53 son of David and Dinah.

3age 92y 11m 8d.

4Pine Grove Cem.

Martha Banister Bannister

1Charles Hudson, History of Marlborough, Middlesex Co., MA, T R Marvin & Son, 1862.

2Marlborough VR p257, p216.

3Marlboro VR.

4Mary Louise Fink.

591. Timothy Goodenow

1Wesley B Keeler, Ralph Keeler and his Descendants, Series: Vol I, Albany, NY 1980, Reprint, Gateway Press, 1985, Unknown repository, Ridgefield Libra.

2Shrewsbury VR p42 son of David and ---.


4Sylvia Frances Sawyer Old Cem by Congregational Ch.

Lydia Howe

1W I Tyler Brigham, History of Brigham Family - Descendants of Thomas Brigham, 1907.

2Marlborough VR p 258.

3Rochester (?) VR.

Sarah Sarrah Willis

1Sudbury VR p 204.

2Ann Wiley.

3Sylvia Frances Sawyer Congregational Ch.

4age 89 of Sudsbury.

5Old Cemetery by Congretional Ch.

592. Sarah Goodenow

1Shrewsbury VR p 42 dau of David and ---.

Nathan William Eager

1Marlborough VR p 258.

2Nathan or William.

593. Dinah Goodenow

1Westboro VR p 54 dau of David and Dinah C.R. Apr 23, Shrewsbury VR p 42.

2Westborough C.R.

Solomon Eager

1Marlborough VR p 257.

2Marlborough VR p 66.

594. David Goodenough Jr

1Westborough VR p54 son of David and Dinah C.R. Worcester VR p218.

2Pension Record C1W17953.

3Fm Henry Biddles.

Abigail Rice

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

2Congregational Ch, Pension Record.

3Worcester VR p 218.

4Surrogate Court.

5Pension Record W17953.

595. Mehetable Mehitable Goodenow

1Westborough VR p 54 dau of David and Dinah C.R.

2Rowena Belle Robinson Mehetable.

3Northboro VR p 147 single.

Silas Rice

1Jerome Phillip Goodenough, Goodenough Family Records: WI Goodenough Pioneer, Series: with Mabel & May, Goodenough, 1964, Unknown repository, Film 1033985-S12.

596. John James John Gaster Goodenow

1Hist & Gen of the Families of Chesterfield MA 1762-1962, Town, Chesterfield, Bicentennial, Gen, Committee.

2Capt Nelson B Goodenough all sons of David Soldiers of Rev.

3Donald Robert Goodenough 'we think John and James the same'.

4Rita Mae Bleyhl.


6Mary Louise Fink James John Gaster.

7Place of death from Henry Biddles.

Elizabeth Crossett

1Andrew W Ward, History of the Town of Shrewsbury 1717-1829, Drake & Samuel B, Boston.

597. Jonathan John Goodenough

1Hist & Gen of the Families of Chesterfield MA 1762-1962, Town, Chesterfield, Bicentennial, Gen, Committee.

2Jerome Phillip Goodenough, Goodenough Family Records: WI Goodenough Pioneer, Series: with Mabel & May, Goodenough, 1964, Unknown repository, Film 1033985-S12.

3Chesterfield VR.

Eunice Hastep Hastings

1Shrewsbury VR p 157.

Mary Damon

1Hist & Gen of the Families of Chesterfield MA 1762-1962, Town, Chesterfield, Bicentennial, Gen, Committee.

2Hist & Gen of the Families of Chesterfield MA 1762-1962.

3Chesterfield VR, deed in Plymouth, MA.

4at home of dau Dinah Robbins age 93, Virkus 1845.

5Fm Henry Biddles.

598. Elizabeth Goodenow

1Donna Mae Roberts , Westborough VR p 54 dau of David and Dinah.

2Mary Sue Garrett age 87.

3Rowena Belle Robinson.

Nathaniel Hastings Jr

1Lancaster VR p 98.

2Mary Sue Garrett.

3age 82.

599. Benjamin Goodenow Goodenough

1Charles A Bemis, History of the Town of Marlborough, Cheshire Co NH, p39, Unknown repository, 1881.

2Francis Everett Blake, Worcester Co MA Warnings of Strangers 1737-88, Series: Systematic, History Fund, 1899, Franklin P. Rice, 1899 Worcester, MA, son of David, Seattle Wa Library, MS/94/6.

3Marlboro NH VR p73,.

4Charles A Bemis, History of the Town of Marlborough, Cheshire Co NH, p509.

5Eugene Bouton Papers, p509, Unknown repository, Box 2 Folder12.

6Munsell, American Ancestry-Whose Ancestors settled in the US < 1776, 1891, buried Center Cem.

72m =>16 5m <16 2 f.

8Fm Henry Biddles.

Mary Molly Mcbride

1DAR 299198.

2Earl Reginald Dean DAR 501866.

3DAR 360587 10 Jul 1757 Lancaster MA, Marlboro VR p 73.

4Louise Sherman Brazie DAR 360587.

5Charles A Bemis, History of the Town of Marlborough, Cheshire Co NH, p 39, 290, 509 age 85, Unknown repository, 1881.

600. Abigail Goodenow Goodnow

1Marlboro VR dau of Dinah, may be of another family.

209. Jonathan Goodnow Goodenow

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

2Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

3Genealogical and Family History Jefferson Co NY, Series: Vol II, compiled by, R A Oakes, 1905.

4Marlborough VR p 82 son of Samuel (Jr C.R.) and Sarah.

5Jerome Phillip Goodenough, Goodenough Family Records: WI Goodenough Pioneer, Series: with Mabel & May, Goodenough, 1964, Unknown repository, Film 1033985-S12.

6Mabel Mae May Goodenough.

Lydia Rice

1Marlborough VR p 257.

2Marlborough VR p 157.

3Marlborough VR p 361 w of Jonathan.

601. Lt. Ethemer Ithemer Goodeno Gooddeno Goodenow Goodnow

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2Westborough VR p54 son of Jonathan and Lydia.

3Clement F Heverly, Bradford Co PA Families 1800-1825, 1915, age 63.

4Brookfield Cem.

Lydia Hager

1Marlborough VR p 257.

Sarah Elizabeth Smith

1Marlborough VR p 257 Westborough VR.

2Westborough VR.

602. Lydia Goodnow Goodeno

1Frederick A Virkus, Abridged Compendium of Am Genealogy, Series: First Families, of America, Chicago, Cook, IL, Unknown repository, 1925.

2Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

3Vital Records of Westborough, MA to the end of the Systematic History Fund. "Birth record, Goodnow, Lydia and Jonathan, daughter Lydia, Dec. 21, 1929.".

4New Braintree VR, Died at age 72.

5Marlborough VR p81 dau of Jonathan.

Jonathan Woods

1Frederick A Virkus, Abridged Compendium of Am Genealogy, Series: First Families, of America, Chicago, Cook, IL, Unknown repository, 1925.

603. Mary Goodnow Goodno Gooddenow Goodenow

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2Vital Records of Westborough, MA to the end of the Systematic History Fund. "Birth record, Goodnow, Lydia and Jonathan, daughter Lydia, Dec. 21, 1929.".

Lt. Josiah Weeks

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2Marlborough VR p 257.

3Marlboro (VT) history book, Lt.

604. Samuel Goodenow

1Latter Day Saints File.

605. Jonathan Goodnow Goodenow

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2Westborough VR p54 son of Jonathan and Lydia.

3Westborough VR p240.

606. Levi Goodenow Goodanow Goodnow

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2Westborough VR p54 son of Jonathan and Lydia.

3Vernon Arthun Goodenough Principle Civil Officers of VT 1777-1918.

Millicent Melicent Keyes

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961.

3Shrewsbury VR p 62.

607. Ebenezer Ebenezar Goodnough Goodnow Goodenow

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2Unknown source not found, Vital Records of Westborough, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, Series: 1903, Systematic History Fund, pg 54, Birth Records: GOODENOW, Ebenezer, s. Jonathan and Lydia, April 24, 1739.

3age over 90y.

Tabitha Nichols

1Ellnora Lancaster Rose.

2Charles Merle Goodnough.

3Kenneth C Pendleton.

4BkD p366.

Bathsheba Rice

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

608. Surviah Zerviah Goodnow Goodenow

1Marlborough VR p82 dau of Jonathan and Lydia.

609. Tabatha Tabitha Goodnow Goodenow

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2Marlborough VR p82 dau of Jonathan and Lydia.

Zebudiah Wallis

1Marlborough VR p 258.

610. Submit Goodnow Goodenow

1Official History of Guilford, VT, Series: Copyright 1961, Compiled, or sponsored, Broad Brook, Grange #151, Floyd Goodnow Timson, G2 H2b.

2Marlborough VR p82 dau of Jonathan and Lydia.

3Marlborough VR p361 dau of Jonathan and Lydia.

Esther Smith

1Marlborough VR p 257.

210. Thomas Goodnow Goodanow Goodenow

1Colonial Dames of America Application of.

2Janice June Searles.

3Westboro VR p 53 son of Samuel & Sarah at Marlborough, Marlboro VR p 82.

4Northboro VR p 137, age 81 gravestone.

Persis Rice

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

2Westborough VR p 160 Persis Rice of Marlboro.

3Westborough VR p 53 w Thomas and dau Edward and Lydia Rice at Marlboro.

612. Persis Goodenow

1Westborough VR p 54 dau of Thomas and Persis.

613. Lucy Goodnough Goodenow

1Westborough VR p 54 dau of Thomas and Persis.

2Sidney A Lane.

David Stow Stone

1Westborough VR p 161 9 children.

2Theresa M Stevens Westborough VR (?), in fa's will.

614. Thomas Goodenow Goodenough

1Colonial Dames of America Application of.

2Janice June Searles.

3Westborough VR p 54 son of Thomas and Persis, Northboro VR, Marlb VR.

4Patricia Carroll DAR Patriot Index.

Abigail Willson Wilson

1Patricia Carroll.

615. Elizabeth Goodenow

1Westborough VR p 54 dau of Thomas and Persis.

616. Edward Goodnow Goodenow

1Mary Molly Guyer , Rev War soldier.

2Westborough VR p 54 son of Thomas and Persis, DAR,.

3Abigail Goodnow Bible, 9 Feb, 1835, Bible 1832, Lunenburg, MA, b 1742, Carol Sue Mcwain.

4Princeton VR p 165,.

5Abigail Goodnow Bible, 9 Feb, 1835, age 56.

Lois Rice

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

2Shrewsbury VR p 157.


4Mary A Parmenter.

5Princeton VR p165 age 90 P.R. left 12 children.

617. Asa Goodenow

1Westborough VR p 53 son of Thomas and Persis.

2Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

3William Charles Smith & Julia Ann del Corral Smith, Goodenough Family, unpublished.

618. Aaron Goodanow Goodenow

1Westborough VR p 53 son of Thomas and Persis.

2Westborough VR p 240.

619. Patience Patiance Goodanow Goodenow

1Westborough VR p 53 dau of Thomas and Persis.

2Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

620. Anna Goodanow Goodenow

1Westborough VR p 53 dau of Thomas and Persis.

621. Asa Goodanow Goodenow

1Westborough VR p 53 son of Thomas and Persis.

2Westborough VR p 137.

Persis Larkin

1Northboro VR p 93.

622. Eli Goodanow Goodenow

1William Charles Smith & Julia Ann del Corral Smith, Goodenough Family, unpublished.

2Unknown source not found, Vital Records of Westborough, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, Series: 1903, Systematic History Fund, pg 53, Birth Record: GOODENOW, Eli, s. Thomas and Persis, 28 Jan. 1751; Westborough.

Rebecca Rice

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

2William Charles Smith & Julia Ann del Corral Smith, Goodenough Family, unpublished.

623. Patience Goodnow Goodanow

1Westborough VR p 53 dau of Thomas and Persis.

Mathew Davenport

1Data supplied for the Mathew Davenport family supplied by Edward L. Woodyard, One Spruce Hollow, Armonk, NY, 10504 (Jan.

2Vital Records of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, Systematic History Fund (1904), pg 157, Mathew and Patience filed intentions to wed but no record of their marriage has bee.

3Data from Edward L. Woodyard, one Spruce Hollow, Armonk, NY 10504 (01/21/99).

211. Mary Goodnow Goodenow

1James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary of First Settlers of NE, Series: reprint, Genealogical Pub, Balto 1986, Boston 1860-2, 4 vols, Unknown repository, F/3/S2/v.1-4.

2Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

3A Genealogical Register of Edmund Rice Descendants, NEHG V114 p32.

4Charles Hudson, History of Marlborough, Middlesex Co., MA, T R Marvin & Son, 1862.

5William E Chute, Genealogical History of the Chute Family in Am.

6F E Crowell, New Englanders in Nova Scotia, Series: June 8 1931, Yarmouth Herald, reprint.

7Edmund Barber, Nova Scotia Barbour & Allied Lines, Comp 1895-1900.

8Isaiah Wilson, Geography & Hist of the Co of Digby.

9Marlborough VR p 82 dau of Samuel and Sarah.

Beriah Waldron Waldon Rice

1James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary of First Settlers of NE, Series: reprint, Genealogical Pub, Balto 1986, Boston 1860-2, 4 vols, Unknown repository, F/3/S2/v.1-4.

2Charles Hudson, History of Marlborough, Middlesex Co., MA, T R Marvin & Son, 1862, see.

3Judah Jude Rice.

4Westborough VR p 161.

5Marlborough VR p 153.

6Royalist, in CHARMING MOLLY.

624. Judah Jude Rice

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

2A Genealogical Register of Edmund Rice Descendants, NEHG V114 p32.

3James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary of First Settlers of NE, Series: reprint, Genealogical Pub, Balto 1986, Boston 1860-2, 4 vols, Unknown repository, F/3/S2/v.1-4.

4Charles Hudson, History of Marlborough, Middlesex Co., MA, T R Marvin & Son, 1862.

5William E Chute, Genealogical History of the Chute Family in Am, see.

6Moses Rice.

7Westborough VR p 88.

Sarah Kelley Kellog

1Supplement To Rice Family: Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Series: A Supplement, to 1858, Andrew H. Ward, Edmund Rice 1638, Association Inc, 1967, see.

2Judah Jude Rice.

625. Asaph Rice

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

2Supplement To Rice Family: Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Series: A Supplement, to 1858, Andrew H. Ward, Edmund Rice 1638, Association Inc, 1967.

Mary Morse


2Asaph Rice.

3in childbed.

Thankful Clough


2Asaph Rice.

626. Timothy Rice

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

627. Stephen Rice

1Supplement To Rice Family: Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Series: A Supplement, to 1858, Andrew H. Ward, Edmund Rice 1638, Association Inc, 1967.

2Frederick A Virkus, Abridged Compendium of Am Genealogy, Series: First Families, of America, Chicago, Cook, IL, Unknown repository, 1925.

3Westborough VR p 90.

Dorothy Woods

1Frederick A Virkus, Abridged Compendium of Am Genealogy, Series: First Families, of America, Chicago, Cook, IL, Unknown repository, 1925.

628. Mary Rice

1Lois L Canaday.

Paul Hazelton

1Mary charged with adultery with Timothy Holbrook.

2Lois L Canaday.

629. Sarah Rice

1Westborough VR p 90.

630. Lucy Rice

1Westborough VR p 89.

631. Rachel Rice

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

2Supplement To Rice Family: Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Series: A Supplement, to 1858, Andrew H. Ward, Edmund Rice 1638, Association Inc, 1967.

632. Beriah Rice Jr

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

2Supplement To Rice Family: Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Series: A Supplement, to 1858, Andrew H. Ward, Edmund Rice 1638, Association Inc, 1967.

3Donald F Timmons.

4From the pedigree chart of Sherri Lee Tomiak.


1Donald F Timmons.

Navine Naomi Mcquillen-Mcquillan

1Donald F Timmons.

2Donald F Timmons.

Catherine Ann Mugford

1Donald F Timmons.

2Donald F Timmons.

633. Benjamin Rice

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.


Martha Bent

1Ward, Andrew Henshaw, The Rice Family Descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice, Boston, C Benjamin, Richardson 1858.

213. Jacob Farrar

1Concord, Massachusetts Births, Marriages, and, pg 38, Birth Record: Jacob Farrar ye son of Jacob Farrar & Susannah his wife was Borne Oct.

2Eliza Jane Harris , killed in Lovell's raid on the Indians.

Sarah Wood

1Sharon Frances Chapman ,.

2Eliza Jane Harris.

634. Sarah Farrar

1Sharon Frances Chapman.

2Concord VR.

3Townsend VR 351.

4Townsend Old Cemetary.

John Conant

1Frederick Odell Conant, M.A., A History and Genealogy of the Conant Family, p174.

2Townsend VR p351.

3Old Cem.

635. Mary Farrar

1Concord VR p91 dau Jacob Farrar & Sarah Wood.

Abishai Brown

1hard worker, good man., had many acres and financial success.

2Concord VR p132.

3Concord VR p91.

636. Hannah Farrar

1Eliza Jane Harris unmarried, guardian Thomas Wheeler 1738, Concord VR p209.

Thomas Wheeler

1Thomas was Hannah Farrar's guardian.

2Florence Gross p7.

637. Jacob Farrar

1Concord VR p105.

2Florence Gross p9,.

3Eliza Jane Harris killed in Lovell's raid on the Indians.

Mary Meriam

1Concord VR p165.

2Florence Gross.

3Concord VR p420.

4Concord VR p420 (Church Records of Deaths).

638. Ensign Ephraim Farrar

1Florence Gross p7.

2Eliza Jane Harris.

Mary Dakin

1Concord VR p176.

2Eliza Jane Harris.

214. Mary Farrar

1Concord, Massachusetts Births, Marriages, and, pg 41, Birth Record: Mary Farrar ye daughter of Jacob Farrar & Susannah his wife was Borne.

2Old Hill Burying Ground.

David Melvin

1Enid Williams.

2Concord VR.

639. Robert Melvin

1Concord VR p88.


1Concord, Massachusetts Births, Marriages, and.

640. Mary Melvin

1Concord VR p96.

2Concord VR p97.

641. David Melvin

1Concord VR p106.

2Concord VR p419.

Abigail Davis

1Concord VR p184.

2Concord VR p423 (Church Record of Deaths) age 71.

642. Ephraim Melvin

1Eliza Jane Harris.

Hannah Russell

1Enid Williams.

643. James Melvin

1Concord VR p114.

2Concord VR p182.

644. Jacob Melvin

1Concord VR p116.

Esther Parlin

1Concord VR p192.

645. Mary Melvin

1Concord VR p119.

John Edwards

1Concord VR p175.

646. Hannah Melvin

1Concord VR p125.

Jonathan Putnam

1Concord VR p176.

647. Lucy Melvin

1Concord VR p136.

2Concord VR p333.

John Handley

1Concord VR p192.

648. Susannah Melvin

1Karen Hanson Sullivan.

Samuel Laughton

1Enid Williams.

215. Jonathan Farrar

1Concord, Massachusetts Births, Marriages, and, pg 46, Birth Record: Jonathan Farrar ye son of Jacob Farrar and Susanna his wife was Borne.

2Concord VR p418 (Church Records of Deaths).


1Florence Gross p. 7.

2Florence Gross p. 5. Names them as husband & wife.

649. Oliver Farrar

1Concord VR p117.

2Florence Gross p10.

Mary Cole

1Concord VR p185.

2Florence Gross.

3Concord VR p223.

650. Abel Farrar

1Concord VR p22.

2Concord VR p195.

651. Lt. Jonathan Farrar

1Concord VR p128.

652. Simeon Simon Farrar

1Concord VR p136.

2Karen Hanson Sullivan.

653. Rebekah Farrar

1Concord VR p140.

Robert Powers

1Concord VR p215.

654. Mary Farrar

1Concord VR p148.

655. Lucy Farrar

1Concord VR p154.

Thomas Reed

1Concord VR p215.

656. Asa Farrar

1Concord VR p173.

2Florence Gross p7.

Corrections, additions, inquiries: Contact database manager

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